Research on Economics of Population
and is replicated here as part of the SERC Pedagogic Service.
Students will use the statistical package Stata to analyze demographic and economic change in the United States and other countries, applying recent innovations in the application of microeconomic theory and econometrics to the analysis of demographic behavior, labor markets, poverty, and inequality.
Learning Goals
Context for Use
Teaching Materials
It is helpful to distribute term paper guidelines and expectations at the start of the term. Intermediate deadlines, desired structure and presentation, and suggested topics should all be included. The following was distributed to this class: Term paper assignment (Acrobat (PDF) 98kB Sep28 09). A syllabus is provided as well: Course outline (Acrobat (PDF) 51kB Sep28 09)
Detailed problem sets pace student work on the research project throughout the semester. Problem sets are provided here:
Problem sets (Acrobat (PDF) 145kB Sep28 09)