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Communicate the Quake: An interactive earthquake role-play used to teach communication skills part of Role Playing:Examples
Communicate the Quake is an interactive role-play used to teach upper-level undergraduate students about earthquake hazards, emergency management, and risk communication through the management of an authentic ...

The Volcanic Hazards Simulation: A complex role-play used to teach communication, teamwork and decision-making skills part of Role Playing:Examples
The Volcanic Hazards Simulation is a complex role-play used to teach upper-level undergraduate students about volcanic forecasting and emergency management through the management of an authentic volcanic scenario. ...

The First Field Trip: An introduction to sedimentation and stratigraphy part of Field Labs:Field Lab Examples
An example set of tasks and questions for the first field trip of a 300-level Sedimentology and Stratigraphy course.

An Experiential Pedagogy for Sustainability Ethics: The Externalities Game part of Games:Examples
The Externalities Game is a non-cooperative game that teaches students about the concept of environmental externalities and allows them to directly experience the moral dimensions of collective action problems. It ...

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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Core Microscopy Skills: Instructional Scaffolding for the Gram Stain part of Indoor Labs:Examples
Effective use of a microscope and Gram staining are important skills in biology and clinical medicine. This scaffolded activity teaches students these skills in steps that build on each other. -

Greenhouse Emissions Reduction Role-Play Exercise part of Role Playing:Examples
When the science is so clear, why is it so difficult to make agreements that will reduce our impact on climate change? This exercise is designed to help students explore that important question in an active and ...

CLEAN Selected This activity has been selected for inclusion in the CLEAN collection.
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Inclusivity Survey part of First Day of Class:Activities
Megan Jones, North Hennepin Community College Course: Physical Geology 15-25 students I want to establish class norms that will foster an inclusive environment. I need to know what each particular group of students ...

Water part of Using an Earth System Approach:Earth System Science in a Nutshell
Perhaps the single most critical element of the Earth system is water, the carrier and bearer of life that is inextricably woven into the fabric of the Earth system. Only on Earth does water occur in equilibrium ...

Geologic Puzzles: Morrison Formation part of Interactive Lectures:Examples
Images of faulted strata, tilted turbidites, and beach rocks bring the field into the classroom, giving students practice in doing what geoscientists do. These images are examples of geologic puzzles. -

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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Metamorphic Rocks Lab part of Indoor Labs:Examples
Students are introduced to the processes involved in metamorphism through hands-on study of rock samples. They examine different metamorphic paths, protoliths, textures, and minerals. -

On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Collection This activity is part of the On the Cutting Edge Exemplary Teaching Activities collection.
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