Browse Courses
Descriptions of introductory geoscience courses collected as part of several projects.
Course Type: Intro Level
- 152 matches General/Other
- Astronomy 4 matches
- Earth Science 64 matches
- Earth System Science 43 matches
- Environmental Geology 29 matches
- Extinction/Evolution 3 matches
- Geologic Hazards 15 matches
- Global Change 15 matches
- Historical Geology 15 matches
- Meteorology 6 matches
- Oceanography 12 matches
- Physical Geography 16 matches
- Physical Geology 94 matches
Results 1 - 10 of 315 matches
Introduction to the Geosciences part of Course Design:Goals Database
This course focuses on physical geology. The course focuses on 5 Big Ideas including Plate Tectonics, The Rock Cycle, Geologic Time, Geoscience Research and Scientific Thinking. There are also four skills that are ...
Earth Science part of Introductory Courses:Courses
This course uses an assessment-based approach for teaching earth science to non-majors in 160-student sections. Concepts are covered using short lectures (5-10 minutes) punctuated by formative group work throughout ...
Geog 134 - Earth System Science part of Using an Earth System Approach:Earth System Science in a Nutshell:Example Courses
From Syllabus: This course will provide you with the scientific background to address many global change issues. You will be asked you to examine your own thoughts and opinions on global change and to share those ...
Ready for Use: Ready to Use
Our Dynamic Weather part of Introductory Courses:Virtual Workshop 2014:Course Descriptions
"Our Dynamic Weather" explores the nature of weather and how and why it changes. It describes how atmospheric scientists display and interpret weather information and use that information to identify ...
Ready for Use: Ready to Use
Sustainability and the Campus part of Teach the Earth:Courses
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GEO 100 - Global Environmental Change part of Using an Earth System Approach:Earth System Science in a Nutshell:Example Courses
The objectives of this course are to gain a basic understanding of the interrelationships among the earth's major physical and biological systems and to gain an appreciation of past and potential future global ...
Ready for Use: Ready to Use
Course profile: Quantitative Natural Hazards part of Strong Geoscience Departments:Degree Programs:Courses
Arlo Weil, Bryn Mawr 200-level general science course, 16-30 students. Information for this profile was provided by Arlo Weil in 2007. Jump down to Overview and Context * Course Content * Connecting to the Future ...
Ready for Use: Ready to Use
Course profile: Geoscience Processes part of Strong Geoscience Departments:Degree Programs:Courses
University of Texas at El Paso Entry level course, 15 or fewer students Information for this profile was provided by Richard Langford in 2007. Jump down to Overview and Context * Course Content * Connecting to the ...
Ready for Use: Ready to Use
Course profile: Geodynamics I & II part of Strong Geoscience Departments:Degree Programs:Courses
University of Minnesota Entry level earth science course sequence, 16-30 students Information for this profile was provided by Martin Saar and Donna Whitney in 2007. Jump down to Overview and Context * Course ...
Ready for Use: Ready to Use
Course profile: Environmental Geology part of Strong Geoscience Departments:Degree Programs:Courses
University of North Carolina Wilmington Entry level environmental geology course, 31-70 students Information for this profile was provided by John Huntsman in 2007. Jump down to Overview and Context * Course ...
Ready for Use: Course Goals Only