Browse Courses
Descriptions of introductory geoscience courses collected as part of several projects.
Course Type: Intro Level
- 152 matches General/Other
- Astronomy 4 matches
- Earth Science 64 matches
- Earth System Science 43 matches
- Environmental Geology 29 matches
- Extinction/Evolution 3 matches
- Geologic Hazards 15 matches
- Global Change 15 matches
- Historical Geology 15 matches
- Meteorology 6 matches
- Oceanography 12 matches
- Physical Geography 16 matches
- Physical Geology 94 matches
Results 1 - 10 of 315 matches
Introduction to the Geosciences part of Course Design:Goals Database
This course focuses on physical geology. The course focuses on 5 Big Ideas including Plate Tectonics, The Rock Cycle, Geologic Time, Geoscience Research and Scientific Thinking. There are also four skills that are ...
Introduction to Geologic Field Methods part of Course Design:Goals Database
This course is designed to give students repeated practice in field mapping methods - for students in areas without huge exposures of great outcrops (e.g., Missouri). Every class meeting, the students will be asked ...
Investigating Earth part of Course Design:Goals Database
In this introduction to physical geology course, we explore rocks exposed near campus, and do our best to interpret the processes that formed them.
Physical Geology Laboratory part of Integrate:Workshops and Webinars:Teaching the Methods of Geoscience:Course
This page describes a freshman-level Physical Geology Laboratory class taught at a community college. This course covers basic Earth processes (streams, tectonics, groundwater) and Earth materials (minerals and ...
Historical Geology part of Introductory Courses:Courses
This course is an introductory study of geologic history of the Earth. Emphasis is placed on interpretation of rocks and fossils as a means of understanding the Earth's history.
Geology of the National Parks part of Introductory Courses:Courses
This is an introductory physical geology course for 64-100 mainly non-science students that uses the National Parks as the focus. Modules are built around a geology theme, such as structure or sedimentary rocks, ...
Earth Science part of Introductory Courses:Courses
This course uses an assessment-based approach for teaching earth science to non-majors in 160-student sections. Concepts are covered using short lectures (5-10 minutes) punctuated by formative group work throughout ...
(Introduction to) Physical Geology part of Introductory Courses:Courses
Physical Geology is a course in which students will learn about earthquakes, volcanoes, Earth's history, the processes that shape Earth's surface, and about Earth's resources. Students will witness ...
General Geology part of Introductory Courses:Courses
General Geology is a survey of the many facets of geology and Earth Science, from the formation of the Universe and Solar System to rocks and minerals to geologic processes and hazards. The course design is based ...
Course profile: Earth Hazards part of Strong Geoscience Departments:Degree Programs:Courses
Paul Bierman, University of Vermont Entry level geologic hazards course, more than 150 students Information for this profile was provided by Paul Bierman in 2007. Information is also available on the course ...
Ready for Use: Ready to Use