Submarine Groundwater Discharge Estimation
The objective of this exercise is to introduce students to the concept of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). This exercise contains steps that allows the students walk through the entire process of obtaining the necessary data, processing the data, and using the data for SGD estimation.
Intended Audience
This unit is intended for upper level undergraduate or lower level graduate students in hydrology, hydrogeology, and geology/earth sciences.
Conceptual Learning Outcomes
Students demonstrate the understanding of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) and surface runoff.
Students demonstrate the understanding of temporal variations of SGD and surface runoff.
Students demonstrate the understanding of temporal variations of SGD and surface runoff.
Practical Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to use R to process and visualize data.
Students will be able to use WaterML to download hydrologic data from CUAHSI.
Students will be able to use WaterML to download hydrologic data from CUAHSI.
Student Time Required
3-4 hours
Supporting Reference Documents and Files
Please follow the handout to download the R source code, and run the R source code on your own computer. The source code will read data from different sources and calculate submarine groundwater discharge (SGD). The final results will be plotted in a figure to compare SGD and surface runoff.