For the Instructor
This material supports the Flood Hazards GETSI Module. If you would like your students to have access to this material, we suggest you either point them at the Student Version which omits the framing pages with information designed for faculty (and this box). Or you can download these pages in several formats that you can include in your course website or local Learning Managment System. Learn more about using, modifying, and sharing GETSI teaching materials.Welcome Students!
By the end of the module you will be able to:
- Describe flooding and its role as natural process versus hazard
- Apply probability concepts to determine relationships between flow rates and return periods
- Create flood inundation maps for a given flow rate using a hydraulic model
- Translate flood occurrence to societal risk and propose mitigation strategies
Unit 1: Introduction to Flooding
In this unit, you will learn about the concept of flooding and the mechanisms that cause different types of floods in natural and urban environments. You will interpret annual maximum flow series to relate the magnitude of past flow events to their frequency and explore different datasets to describe the magnitude of flood, its spatial extent in the form of a map and its socioeconomic impacts.
- Student exercise - Unit 1 Student Exercise (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 206kB Jan31 25)
- Make sure to check with your instructor if they have not already offered the data files!
- Tutorials
- Tutorial for downloading and plotting daily and annual peak streamflow in Excel (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 4.6MB Mar13 23)
- Tutorial to download and plot FEMA Flood Hazard Map (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 9.2MB Mar13 23)
- Tutorial for using basic functions in ArcMap (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 10.7MB Mar13 23)
Unit 2: Flood Frequency Analysis
This unit introduces the statistical concepts that are used to determine the relationships between peak flow magnitude, return periods, and societal risk. After this unit, you will be intimately familiar with terms like "100-year flood," and understand how these estimates are obtained. You will also learn the vocabulary and techniques associated with flood frequency analysis (FFA) and conduct an FFA on a new river situation.
- Student exercise - In Class Activity (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 207kB Jan31 25)
- Student data files
- Example: Middle Fork Boise River Example Flood Frequency Analysis (Excel 2007 (.xlsx) 1.1MB Dec6 19)
- Exercise: Unit 2 Flood Frequency Student Exercise (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 204kB Mar14 23)
- Data: Unit 2 Wabash River Student Data Spreadsheet (Excel 2007 (.xlsx) 644kB Nov1 18)
Unit 3: Channel Capacity and Manning's Equation
A flood occurs when the flow rate in a river exceeds the capacity of a channel to transmit water downstream within its banks. How much water can a channel transmit? Answering this question requires measurements of channel and floodplain topography and vegetation, coupled with application of the physics of flow in channels. These complex concepts are embodied in the well-known Manning's equation. In this unit, you will evaluate the geometry of river channels and floodplains using LiDAR-derived data and compute the depths and velocities of flow rates within channels using Manning's equation.
- Unit 3 Mannings Equation Student Exercise.docx (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 208kB Jan31 25)
- Unit 3 Student Exercise Data File Boise River (Excel 2007 (.xlsx) 2.5MB Nov13 18)
Unit 4: Hydraulic Modeling and Flood Inundation Mapping using HEC-RAS
The flow or discharge value in a river does not mean much to a layperson or a decision maker because this flow can be insignificant on a big river but can be dangerous on a small creek. Thus we must know how to translate this flow value into the water depth, velocity, and the corresponding extent to understand its impact. The objective of this unit is to perform hydraulic modeling on a reach of Wabash River near Lafayette, Indiana, to estimate water surface elevation and extent corresponding to a 100-year flow. You will learn the basics of hydraulic modeling using HEC-RAS to simulate the flow hydraulics using one-dimensional steady state assumption. The outcome will be the inundation extent corresponding to the 100-year event along the reach of the Wabash River near Lafayette. You will be using the freely available software flood modeling software HEC-RAS (Hydrologic Engineering Center's River Analysis System). It may be available for you on school computers or your instructor may ask you to install in on your own Windows-based machine.
- Tutorial: HEC-RAS Modeling and RAS Mapper Tutorial (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 5.8MB Mar14 23) - This tutorial includes instructions to complete the HEC-RAS student exercise. Students must be provided with the data before they can begin the lab. The link to the data is given below.
- Student exercise
- Exercise: Unit 4 HEC-RAS Student Exercise (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 203kB Jan31 25)
- Data: HEC-RAS Data - Wabash (Zip Archive 2.8MB Dec3 19)—A zip file containing the HEC-RAS data needed to do the exercise.
Unit 5: Mapping the Impact of 100- and 500-year Floods
Most often we characterize floods based on their return periods. Considering new land developments and the changing climate, what was once a 100-year flood may change over time. Thus, if we are going to experience the previously defined 100-year flood more frequently, the new 100-year flood may be what was a 500-year flood before. One may then wonder what will be the impact of this 500-year flood compared to a 100-year flood? Is it five times bigger and more damaging than a 100-year flood? The goal of Unit 5 is for you to quantify floods for 100- and 500-year return periods, and map the corresponding flood inundation extents. You will then use these results to see how the flood magnitude and the inundation area changes for these floods. The final inundation maps can also be used to estimate key infrastructure that may be vulnerable.
- Student exercise
- Unit 5 Student Assignment (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 205kB Jan31 25)—This file contains the student exercise for this unit, including the template for the report.
- Unit 5 Student Assignment Rubric (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 18kB Mar14 23)—This explains how your assignment will be graded.
- Data files
- Unit 5 Study Area Descriptions (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.7MB Mar14 23)
- This file contains information related to each study reach for hydraulic modeling and flood inundation mapping.
- Study sites - your instructor will tell you which of these sites to use
- Data for Brazos River in Texas (Zip Archive 168.1MB Nov10 18) - This zip folder contains the HEC-RAS project for Brazos River in Texas.
- Data for St Joseph River in Indiana (Zip Archive 18.5MB Nov10 18) - This zip folder contains the HEC-RAS project for St. Joseph River in Indiana.
- Data for Tippecanoe River in Indiana (Zip Archive 42.5MB Nov10 18) - This zip folder contains the HEC-RAS project for Tippecanoe River in Indiana.
- Data for White River in Indiana (Zip Archive 120.1MB Nov10 18) - This zip folder contains the HEC-RAS project for White River in Indiana.
- Infrastructure Data (Zip Archive 12kB Sep17 20) - This (optional) zip folder contains infrastructure details (hospitals, schools, etc.) surrounding the four study reaches.
- Unit 5 Study Area Descriptions (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.7MB Mar14 23)