
Traditional river surveyors taking measurements of channel and floodplain topography. A variety of surveying methods such as the one shown here are highlighted in this unit. From
Steve Holnbeck, Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center.
Originally uploaded in GETSI:Teaching Materials:Flood Hazards.

Image 199390 is a 347 by 463 pixel WebP
Uploaded: May7 19

Last Modified: 2022-02-21 13:55:42
Permanent URL: https://serc.carleton.edu/download/images/199390/flood_haz_unit_3_image.v3.webp

The file is referred to in 2 pages
Source: Steve Holnbeck, Wyoming-Montana Water Science Center. https://www.usgs.gov/media/images/ground-point-survey-total-station-measure-d...
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