For the Instructor
This material supports the GPS, Strain, and Earthquakes GETSI Module. If you would like your students to have access to this material, we suggest you either point them at the Student Version which omits the framing pages with information designed for faculty (and this box). Or you can download these pages in several formats that you can include in your course website or local Learning Managment System. Learn more about using, modifying, and sharing GETSI teaching materials.Welcome Students!
- Access and analyze GPS data in order to calculate and interpret ongoing strain in the region between three neighboring GPS stations.
- Synthesize how calculated local strain is related to regional tectonics and earthquake hazard and risk, and propose mitigation strategies.
Your instructor may choose to use all the units or just select a subset based on time and course focus.
Unit 1: Earthquake!
We all know what earthquakes are in a general sense, but what are the effects on a society from these crustal movements? This first unit is designed to help you better understand the human toll of earthquakes and the ways in which geoscientists study earthquakes. You will use a case study of the Magnitude 9.1 2011 Tohoku, Japan, earthquake. It starts with a short homework "scavenger hunt" in which you need to find a compelling video and information about the earthquake. Then, in class you will share some of what you found and do a series of think-pair-share exercises to investigate both the societal and scientific data about the earthquake.
Unit 2: Mashing It Up: Physical Models of Deformation and Strain
It can be much easier to understand geologic concepts if you get a chance to use physical models of real processes. In this unit, you will get to play with everyday materials such as bungee cords, rubber bands, stretchy fabric, index cards, silly putty, and sand to gain a more intuitive understanding of strain and deformation. It will be much easier to learn about concepts such as vector velocities, positive and negative extension, simple and pure shear, and strain ellipses through these hands-on models. Your instructor may do these experiments all in one class period or spread them out over a series of class periods. Some instructors may also choose to have you brush up on a variety of math concepts that help in better understanding strain, deformation, and GPS movements.
Reading- Unit 2 Introduction to Strain Student Reading PDF (Acrobat (PDF) 4.5MB Jul18 24)
- Unit 2 Basic physical models exercise for students PDF (Acrobat (PDF) 420kB Oct2 23)
- Unit 2 Extended physical models exercise for students PDF (Acrobat (PDF) 381kB Oct2 23)
- Vector reading (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 4.2MB Dec6 16)
- Vector worksheet for students (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 201kB Dec6 16)
- Matrix and dot product reading (Microsoft Word 484kB Dec7 16)
- Matrix and dot product worksheet for students (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 251kB Dec6 16)
- Orthogonal coordinate transfer reading (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 633kB Dec7 16)
- Infinitesimal Strain Analysis in 1, 2, and 3-D reading (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 1.1MB Dec6 16)
Unit 3: Getting Started with GPS Data
We all have GPS receivers in our phones and other devices, but few people realize the power of GPS to measure movements as small as 1 millimeter per year. As the crust of the Earth moves and deforms, earthquakes must inevitably occur. By measuring crustal motions with high-precision GPS, we can do a better job of pinpointing earthquake hazards and take steps to reduce risk to lives and property. This is cutting-edge technology and research, and very few undergraduates learn how how to use GPS data in this way.
This unit provides essential background information on how GPS (global positioning system) actually works. You will learn how to access GPS location and velocity data from the Plate Boundary Observatory (PBO) using the same interface used by scientists from around the world. You will calculate total horizontal motion graphically and mathematically and tie the observed motions to local strain conceptually.
- Unit 3 Finding GPS data student exercise (Oregon Cascades) PDF (Acrobat (PDF) 3.3MB Jul18 24)
Unit 4: GPS and Infinitesimal Strain Analysis
In this unit you take your understanding of strain from the conceptual to the analytical. You will work with GPS velocity data from three stations in the same region that form an acute triangle. By investigating how the ellipse inscribed within this triangle deforms, you will learn about strain, strain ellipses, GPS, and how to tie these to regional geology and ongoing hazards. This unit contains the primary infinitesimal strain analysis for the module. The exercise that you and your peers will work on investigates three different GPS station triangles in three different tectonic regimes: Cascadia in Washington State, the Wasatch fault in Utah, and the San Andreas Fault in California. You will also read about earthquake scenarios for each region and tie the societal with the geologic.
Exercise files
- Unit 4 GPS infinitesimal strain analysis student exercise PDF (Acrobat (PDF) 16.8MB Jul18 24)
- Unit 4 GPS infinitesimal strain analysis student exercise vector map worksheets (Acrobat (PDF) 1.4MB Dec9 16)
GPS Strain Calculators: your instructor will tell you which of these to use.
- GPS Strain Calculator Excel (Excel 55kB Nov18 16)
- GPS Strain Calculator MatLab (Zip Archive 4kB Sep24 15)
- Explanation of GPS Strain Calculator output PDF (Acrobat (PDF) 465kB Oct2 23)
- Cascadia Magnitude 9.0 Scenario (CREW 2013) (Acrobat (PDF) 3.4MB Sep24 15)
- Wasatch Provo Segment Magnitude 7.2 Scenario (HAZUS 2009) (Acrobat (PDF) 16.1MB Sep24 15)
- San Andreas Fault Magnitude 7.8 Scenario (USGS 2008) (Acrobat (PDF) 9.8MB Sep24 15)
Unit 5: 2014 South Napa Earthquake and GPS Strain
The 2014 South Napa earthquake was the first large earthquake (Magnitude 6) to occur within the Plate Boundary Observatory GPS network since installation. It provides an excellent example for studying crustal strain associated with the earthquake cycle of a strike-slip fault with clear societal relevance. The largest earthquake in the California Bay Area in twenty-five years, the South Napa earthquake caused hundreds of injuries and over $400 million in damages. This activity uses a single triangle of GPS stations, located to the west of the earthquake epicenter, to estimate both the interseismic strain rate ( movement between earthquakes) and coseismic displacement (motion during the earthquake).
- Unit 5 2014 South Napa earthquake student pre-exercise reading PDF (Acrobat (PDF) 1.1MB Jul18 24)
Exercise files
- Unit 5 2014 South Napa earthquake student primary exercise PDF (Acrobat (PDF) 1.8MB Jul18 24)
- Unit 5 2014 South Napa earthquake student vector map exercise PDF (Acrobat (PDF) 404kB Dec8 16)
- Unit 5 2014 South Napa earthquake student GPS data tables handout PDF (Acrobat (PDF) 291kB Oct3 23)
GPS Strain Calculators: your instructor will tell you which of these to use.
- GPS Strain Calculator Excel (Excel 55kB Nov18 16)
- GPS Strain Calculator MatLab (Zip Archive 4kB Sep24 15)
- Explanation of GPS Strain Calculator output (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 1.1MB Oct2 23)
Unit 6: Applying Strain and Earthquake Hazard Analyses to Different Regions
This final unit in the module gives you the chance to do your own small research project in an area of interest to you. You will select your own set of three GPS stations in your interest area, conduct a strain analysis of the region between the stations, and tie the findings to regional tectonics and societal impacts in a 5–7 minute class presentation. Your instructor will give you more exact instructions regarding his or her presentation expectations.
Final project assignment
- Unit 6 "GPS, Strain, and Earthquakes" final project assignment PDF (Acrobat (PDF) 321kB Aug15 24)
GPS Strain Calculators: your instructor will tell you which of these to use.
- GPS Strain Calculator Excel (Excel 55kB Nov18 16)
- GPS Strain Calculator MatLab (Zip Archive 4kB Sep24 15)
- Explanation of GPS Strain Calculator output (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 1.1MB Oct2 23)