This post was edited by Sarah Nakamoto on Sep, 2021
I emailed the LA County Geographic Information Officer about getting LA data. His response is below.
Hi there,
There are a couple of sources of Land Use Data.
For current information, the best detailed source is the County Assessor’s Parcel File. You can purchase the entire dataset from the Assessor here:
You will need the Parcel shapefile and the Local Roll. The Local roll has a very detailed land use (down to number of units) for every parcel in the County. Total cost is 5 and will refer to the July 2010 Roll close.
For historical land use, there were some public sources when I was doing work on stuff like this – it was much more course and came from automated analysis of satellite imagery. The USGS has the “LULC – Land Use Land Cover” from a while back – but I don’t know the dates.
You could also try to contact the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG):
Hope this helps.
We’re also coming out with a Countywide GIS Data Portal in the next few months. I’ll announce it here: - the draft of that is here: but it will go up and down.
Mark Greninger
LA County Geographic Information Officer
Chief Information Office
World Trade Center
350 S. Figueroa St, Suite 188
Los Angeles, CA 90071
office: (213) 253-5624
cell: (213) 200-9935
I emailed the LA County Geographic Information Officer about getting LA data. His response is below.
Hi there,
There are a couple of sources of Land Use Data.
For current information, the best detailed source is the County Assessor’s Parcel File. You can purchase the entire dataset from the Assessor here:
You will need the Parcel shapefile and the Local Roll. The Local roll has a very detailed land use (down to number of units) for every parcel in the County. Total cost is 5 and will refer to the July 2010 Roll close.
For historical land use, there were some public sources when I was doing work on stuff like this – it was much more course and came from automated analysis of satellite imagery. The USGS has the “LULC – Land Use Land Cover” from a while back – but I don’t know the dates.
You could also try to contact the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG):
Hope this helps.
We’re also coming out with a Countywide GIS Data Portal in the next few months. I’ll announce it here: - the draft of that is here: but it will go up and down.
Mark Greninger
LA County Geographic Information Officer
Chief Information Office
World Trade Center
350 S. Figueroa St, Suite 188
Los Angeles, CA 90071
office: (213) 253-5624
cell: (213) 200-9935