Guide to Administrator Dashboard
Navigate the Guide
Initial Steps - Getting Started
- Accessing your Dashboard
- Setting/Editing Program Options
- Activating Students
- Tracking Progress of Students
1) Student Pre-Research Assessment
2) Pre-Research Open-Ended Questions
3) Pre-Research Student-Mentor Conversation
4) Pre-Research Post-Conversation Questions
7) Mid-Research Student-Mentor Conversation
8) Mid-Research Post-Conversation Questions
11) Final Research Student-Mentor Conversation
12) Final Research Post-Conversation Questions
13) Finished
This documentation is to support site administrators using their dashboard to set up and manage their EvaluateUR program.
The dashboard is where site administrators carry out basic EvaluateUR functions such as: adding and activating student; entering dates when they anticipate that students will start their research, reach the mid-point, and complete the research; keeping track of student progress, including what steps have been completed and what steps have not been completed; previewing the surveys or actions to be completed; and viewing and exporting data.
Initial Steps - Getting Started
If you are just setting up your program to use EvaluateUR, you will need to go through the full Onboarding process.
You will need to have your password-protected account set up before accessing and setting up your dashboard.
Accessing your Dashboard
After you set up your password-protected account you will have access to your EvaluateUR dashboard using the URL generated for your program. You can access your dashboard using the link below, or from the top navigation bar.
Setting up the Dashboard or Making Changes to the Program

Box 1: Default Assessment Completion Dates

Setting dates: These are the dates you will use for completing steps in EvaluateUR. To determine the dates to enter in this box, plan around the timing of the start and end of the research experience.
Editing dates: If you wish to change the default dates for any students once EvaluateUR has started, you may change the mid-research or end-of-research dates.
After entering or editing the dates, be sure to hit 'Save All Changes'.
Box 2: Adding Student Names and Email Addresses

Automated messages are sent to the email addresses you enter in Box 2. It is very important that you carefully enter your students' names and email addresses, using email addresses will be checked often. After entering this information, be sure to hit 'Save All Changes.' Once you do this, you will be able to activate the students. You are able to enter the students as soon as they are enrolled in the research program can activate them when you are ready to start EvaluateUR. If a student leaves during the course of the research, you have the option to delete the student using the "Delete this pair" option in the top left of the pair's block. You also can add any student later after you start EvaluateUR.
Box 3: Select Outcome Categories

You may choose to select a sub-set of outcome categories, rather than to assess all outcome categories. Be sure to save all changes after doing this. If you advance to STEP 5 before completing Box 3, all of the outcomes will be used.
Box 4: Optional Program-Wide Outcome Categories

In case there are additional outcomes that apply to your research program, you can add up to 3 additional outcomes here. These outcomes will be included in the assessments in Step 5 and after. Be sure to hit 'Save All Changes' if you add outcomes.
Box 5: Optional Open-Ended Questions

You have the option to add open-ended questions that will appended to the end of the assessments. Questions are specific to a particular step and either the mentors or the students. The responses are only available to you as the administrator, so they can be used to capture information relevant to the program as a whole. Be sure to hit 'Save All Changes' if you add optional questions.
Activating Students

Whether you are initially setting up the dashboard, or adding a student in after the start date, you will need to activate each student when you want to EvaluateUR process to begin. Each student you have entered will appear in a block with names and email addresses once you have selected "Save all Changes". When ready to begin the EvaluateUR program, you can activate each pair individually by selecting "Activate this Student" at the bottom of the block OR you can activate all the students you have set up at once using the "Activate all Students" button below all your unactivated students.
Activating the students(s) will send automated emails each student, prompting the student to set up their account and complete the Pre-Research Assessment.
Tracking the Progress of each Student
Once activated, each student will appear on your dashboard with a number indicating the step of the process and color-coded boxes indicating the status and progress of each pair through the program. The number of the current step will appear in large font in the student's block, and the box for the step will be highlighted in orange. As steps are completed, the boxes turn green.
After you activate a student, Box 1 on the dashboard will be orange, indicating that the Pre-Research Reflection has been sent to the student and is awaiting completion. The rest of the boxes will be gray, indicating that these steps have not yet been started.
Pre-Research Steps (1 through 5 on the Dashboard)
Steps 1 to 5 should be completed for each pair before the research begins. The current step will be highlighted in orange and indicated by number in the block for each pair. By clicking on the block you will be able to expand the view to see when each step was completed.
Step 1 - Student Pre-Research Assessment
Step 1 is initiated when you activate the student. The student will be prompted via automated email to create an account and complete the Pre-Research Assessment. Once the student submits their Pre-Research Reflection, this step will be marked complete and Step 2 will begin.
Step 2 - Pre-Research Open-Ended Questions
Step 2 automatically begins once the student has submitted the Pre-Research Assessment. The student will be prompted to fill out short answers to the Pre-Research Open-Ended Questions. Once the responses have been submitted, the student will advance to Step 3.
Step 3 - Pre-Research Student-Mentor Conversation
Step 3 begins with the submission of the responses to the Pre-Research Open-Ended Questions. The student will receive an automated email, prompting them to make an appointment with their mentor to discuss the assessment and open-ended questions. This message will provide guidance on how to make use of the conversation with the mentor. 3 days after the initiation of Step 3, Step 4 will begin.
Step 4 - Pre-Research Post-Conversation Questions
Step 4 starts 3 days after Step 3, when students were prompted to schedule and hold conversations with their mentors. Students will receive an automated email asking them to fill out answers to a brief set of questions reflecting on their conversation. When the responses have been submitted, Step 4 will appear as complete on the administrator's dashboard view.
Step 5 - Started Research
Step 5 will be highlighted, indicating that the Research is now in progress.
Mid-Research Steps (6 through 9 on the Dashboard)
Step 6 - Mid-Research Assessment
Dashboards will automatically move ahead into Step 6 when the Mid-Research date set at the start of the program is approaching. Students will receive an automated email prompting them to complete the Mid-Research Assessment. The step will be marked complete and advanced to Step 7 once the assessment has been submitted.
You will receive an automated email indicating that students are approaching the assessment and follow-up conversations with their mentors, reminding you to keep track of student progress, and suggesting you contact mentors to let them know they should expect the students to initiate another meeting.
Resetting Mid-Research Date: If you see that the student has not completed the prior steps, or if the mentor notifies you that the research is not on track with the default date for Mid-Research, you will then need to re-set the date for the mid-research point for this student pair. As the new date approaches, you will be reminded again to check their progress.
It is very important for the site administrator to respond quickly to this message and take appropriate action.
Step 7 - Mid-Research Student-Mentor Conversation
Step 7 begins once the Mid-Research Assessment has been completed. The student will receive an automated email, prompting them to make an appointment with their mentor to discuss the assessment and open-ended questions. This message will provide guidance on how to make use of the conversation with the mentor. 3 days after the initiation of Step 7, Step 8 will begin.
Step 8 - Mid-Research Post-Conversation Questions
Step 8 starts 3 days after Step 7, when students were prompted to schedule and hold conversations with their mentors. Students will receive an automated email asking them to fill out answers to a brief set of questions reflecting on their conversation. When the responses have been submitted, Step 8 will appear as complete on the administrator's dashboard view.
Step 9 - Second Half of Research
Step 9 begins with the submission of the Mid-Research Post-Conversation Questions. The second half of the research is underway.
End-of-Research Steps (10 Through 12 on the Dashboard)
Step 10 - Final Research Assessment
Dashboards will automatically move ahead into Step 10 when the End-of-Research date set at the start of the program is approaching. Students will receive an automated email prompting them to complete the Final Research Assessment. The step will be marked complete and advanced to Step 11 once the assessment has been submitted.
You will receive an automated email indicating that students are approaching the assessment and follow-up conversations with their mentors, reminding you to keep track of student progress, and suggesting you contact mentors to let them know they should expect the students to initiate another meeting.
Step 11 - Final Research Student-Mentor Conversation
Step 11 begins once the Final Research Assessment has been completed. The student will receive an automated email, prompting them to make an appointment with their mentor to discuss the assessment. This message will provide guidance on how to make use of the conversation with the mentor. 3 days after the initiation of Step 11, Step 12 will begin.
Step 12 - Final Research Post-Conversation Questions
Step 12 starts 3 days after Step 11, when students were prompted to schedule and hold conversations with their mentors. Students will receive an automated email asking them to fill out answers to a brief set of questions reflecting on their conversation. When the responses have been submitted, Step 8 will appear as complete on the administrator's dashboard view.
Step 13 - Finished
The dashboard will show that the pair has completed EvaluateUR once the last set of questions have been submitted. The data for pairs that complete all 12 steps will be viewable in the "View and Export Data" tab. Learn about Using your Score Reports.