Part 2 - Explore Data Layers
Step 1 Explore Total Annual Precipitation Data
- Remain on Investigation III, and click on the Map tab.
- Explore the variation in annual precipitation across the U.S. by clicking on different places in the map.
- Use the legend below the map to find areas of high and low precipitation.
- Question: What regions have the highest precipitation? The lowest?
Answer: Regions with the highest precipitation include: the Pacific Northwest and the Southeast to Gulf Coast.
Regions with the lowest precipitation include: the Southwest and Eastern Washington/Oregon.
Step 2 Explore Total Annual Evaporation Data
- View the Evaporation data by changing the pull-down menu in the layer list from Annual Precipitation to Annual Evaporation.
- Notice that the Annual Evaporation map appears and that the color of the map and its associated legend changes to reflect annual evaporation data.
- Question: Which color on the Annual Evaporation map represents the highest evaporation and which color represents the lowest?
Answer:The highest evaporation is shown in brown. The lowest evaporation is shown in green.
Step 3 Explore Total Annual Surface Runoff Data
- View the Surface Runoff data by changing the pull-down menu in the layer list from Annual Evaporation to Annual Surface Runoff.
- Notice that the Annual Surface Runoff map appears and that the color of the map and its associated legend changes to reflect annual surface runoff data.
- Question: Which color on the Annual Surface runoff map represents the highest surface runoff and which color represents the lowest?
Answer: The highest surface runoff is shown in purple. The lowest surface runoff is shown in brown.