You may want to make this window tall and narrow, then drag it to one side of your screen. This will allow you see the instructions while working with the data.
An important note about ArcVoyager SE: ArcVoyager SE projects cannot be saved. This means that when you exit the program, your work will not be saved. To save a picture of a map or other display from the program, you will need to do a screen capture (press Print Screen function key on PCs, or command-shift-3 all at once on Macs). Once you have captured the image, you can paste it into a paint or drawing program, crop it, and save it or print it out.
Part 1 –
Download and install ArcVoyager SE and data files and create a base map.
Part 2 –
Use the tools of ArcVoyager SE GIS to explore geographic patterns and relationships.
Part 3 –
Create line graphs (vertical profiles) of shear wave velocities across North America.
Part 4 –
Draw conclusions and describe your findings in a report supported by your analyses.