About the Tool and Data
Tool Builder
The Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) is operated for NASA by the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) of Columbia University
Tool Cost
Tool Help
Questions can be answered by sending e-mail to ciesin.info@ciesin.columbia.edu or by calling 845-365-8920.
Data Source
US-Mexico Documentation Tables:
- Population Estimates by Five-year Age Groups, 1990-1994
- Population Estimates by Five-year Age Groups and Dependency Age Groups, 1990
- Population Percents by Five-year Age Groups and Dependency Age Groups, 1990
- Marital Status, 1990
- Mortality by Five-year Age Groups, 1990-1994
- Natality, 1988 and 1990
- Households and Housing Units, 1990 and 1995
- Urban/Rural Status, 1990 and 1995
- Population Estimates by Sex and Five-year Age Groups, 1990
- Population Percents by Sex and Five-year Age Groups, 1990
- Population Estimates by Other Age Groups, 1990
The tables provide source, year, and calculation information for each US-Mexico DDViewer variable. Columns one and two (variable and year, respectively) relate to both countries. The first column imparts the new name attached to each matched variable set -- these are the variable names you'll find in DDViewer-- and the second supplies the year (or group of years) pertaining to the data. The remainder of the table is broken into two parts: one for the US and the other for Mexico. For each country, the columns indicate whether the DDViewer variable has been aggregated from source variables, a hyperlink to source documentation, the source variable name, and any calculations performed to ensure comparability.
Detailed information about each table can be obtained from:
http://sedac.ciesin.columbia.edu/plue/#DDVGeospatial Coverage
Temporal Coverage
The boundary data are current as of 1990.
Temporal coverage is listed for each table:
- Population Estimates by Five-year Age Groups, 1990-1994;
- Population Estimates by Five-year Age Groups and Dependency Age Groups, 1990;
- Population Percents by Five-year Age Groups and Dependency Age Groups, 1990;
- Marital Status, 1990;
- Mortality by Five-year Age Groups, 1990-1994;
- Natality, 1988 and 1990;
- Households and Housing Units, 1990 and 1995;
- Urban/Rural Status, 1990 and 1995;
- Population Estimates by Sex and Five-year Age Groups, 1990;
- Population Percents by Sex and Five-year Age Groups, 1990;
- Population Estimates by Other Age Groups, 1990.
Data Provider
The Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) operated for NASA by the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) of Columbia University has integrated source data from multiple data providers into the interactive U.S. - Mexico DDViewer. Source data providers include:
- US Census Bureau (USCB),
- US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),
- El Instituto Nacional de Estadí
Data Help
Questions can be answered by sending e-mail to ciesin.info@ciesin.columbia.edu or by calling 845-365-8920.