Going Further


GPS data can be analyzed to facilitate a number of investigations. For instance, users can utilize the data to do the following:

  • Analyze GPS Time Series Plots over shorter time intervals to explore Episodic Tremor and Slip.
  • Compare velocity vectors with topography and deformation.
  • Examine velocites in 3-dimensions nears volcanoes and calderas.
  • Compare direction and magnitude of motion in adjacent regions.
  • Explore GPS data from other areas of the U.S.
  • Examine GPS data for stations in regions where earthquakes have occurred.

Other Data

Current seismic activity can be explored via the Seismic Monitor page from IRIS.
Seismic data can also be explored by using a downloadable program called the Global Earthquake Explorer from the University of South Carolina.

Other Tools

The [link https://www.unavco.org/software/visualization/maps/kmz/perm.kmz 'UNAVCO Permanent GPS Stations KMZ file'] displays the 4-character name of each GPS station. It is a handy complement to the velocity file.

Jules Verne Voyager and EarthScope Voyager Map Tools can be used to generate maps that include plate boundaries and velocity vectors.

Case Studies with Tool

The EET Chapter Creating Custom Map Images of Earth and Other Worlds provides instructions for using the Jules Verne Voyager Map Server.

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