Going Further
Other Data
Satellite Images of Phytoplankton Blooms from Around the World
20 spectacular images from NASA's Visible Earth.
20 spectacular images from NASA's Visible Earth.
Other Techniques
Graph a Thermocline
As described in the primer, thermoclines are often viewed as temperature versus depth in vertical form. However, when many different depths are combined, the graph can look cluttered and confusing and can be difficult for students to understand. To give students a better understanding of the temperature/depth relationship in the ocean, have students draw a thermocline by using pencil and graph paper for a specific buoy at a specific depth either before or after they have created a GoMOOS graph. This may help orient them to the relationship of how temperature in the ocean can change as depth increases, depending on the season.
Other Tools
Ship Mates: Explore the Gulf of Maine As Oceanographers Do
Ship Matesfrom Bigelow Labs, is a suite of educational activities that interactively guide users through working with on-line oceanographic data.
"Seasons in the Sea"Dr. Ann Michelle Morrison has written a terrific overview (Rich Text File 23kB Aug6 05) of seasonal change in the Gulf of Maine.
Educational Resources from the Coastal Observing CenterThe Coastal Observing Center at the University of New Hampshire has a wide array of data products, visualizations, and curriculum materials available.
Additional Background Resources
Miller, Charles. 2004. Biological Oceanography. Oxford, UK. Blackwell Science Ltd.
Garrison, Tom. 2005 Oceanography: An Invitation to Marine Science USA. Thomson Learning, Inc.
Ship Matesfrom Bigelow Labs, is a suite of educational activities that interactively guide users through working with on-line oceanographic data.
"Seasons in the Sea"Dr. Ann Michelle Morrison has written a terrific overview (Rich Text File 23kB Aug6 05) of seasonal change in the Gulf of Maine.
Educational Resources from the Coastal Observing CenterThe Coastal Observing Center at the University of New Hampshire has a wide array of data products, visualizations, and curriculum materials available.
Additional Background Resources
Miller, Charles. 2004. Biological Oceanography. Oxford, UK. Blackwell Science Ltd.
Garrison, Tom. 2005 Oceanography: An Invitation to Marine Science USA. Thomson Learning, Inc.