Part 4—Import and Graph the Data
Step 1 Import Results into a Spreadsheet Program
Any spreadsheet program that can produce graphs can be used for this part. The instructions here refer to using Microsoft Excel.
- Launch Excel by clicking its icon on the dock (Mac) or Start bar (PC).
- Choose File > Open..., navigate to where you stored your Results file, and click Open.
- If the Text Import Wizard opens, go with the default selections, by clicking Next >, Next >, and Finish to open the file.
- Change the header of column A to Year, and change the values in the column from 1-10 to years, 1996-2005. Note: you may need to change the format of the cells to "text" in order to enter the Years.
Step 2 Graph the Data
- Select (highlight) the ozone hole area measurements in columns A and B of your spreadsheet.
- Choose Insert > Chart.
- In the list of Chart Types, choose Area.
- Select your chart, click the toolbox icon to open it, and then use the Chart Options menu to enter a title for your graph plus appropriate names for each axis. You may also want to customize other options such as grid lines or data labels.
- When you are pleased with your chart display, close the Toolbox.
- Save your results file with the chart.
Step 3 Analyze the Data
Examine the graph you produced. Consider the following questions and choose one for follow up study.
- Did the size of the ozone hole increase, decrease, or stay the same over the nine years you analyzed? What might account for the changes?
- How might you go about discovering why one of the years' holes was much smaller than the others? Outline a plan for finding out how that year might have been different from other years.
- Does an ozone hole ever form over the Arctic Region? Outline a plan for using TOMS images to look for a hole in the Northern Hemisphere.