Nick Haddad
Project Director for the DataTools Project,
Center for Science Teaching and Learning, TERC
Nick Haddad is a senior curriculum developer and a project director with TERC's Center for Science Teaching and Learning. Before joining TERC in 2001, Nick developed curriculum materials for 6 years and taught in K-6 classrooms for 24 years. Prior to that, he worked briefly in the engineering profession. Nick has a B.S. in Structural Engineering from Tufts University and a M.S. in Education from Wheelock College.
Since coming to TERC in 2001, Nick's work has focused on Earth science education. He has supported local teachers participating in the GLOBE program, authored The Guide to Earth Science in Urban Environments (McDougal-Littell), has developed chapters for the Earth Exploration Toolbook, and has led educator workshops for Earth Exploration Toolbook chapters. Additional work at TERC has included participation in the COSEE-New England ocean science education program, authoring two NASA-related engineering design challenges for middle and high school students and developing classroom activities designed to foster and strengthen data literacy concepts at the middle school level.

Kuiper Belt Objects and Planets Spreadsheet (Excel 49kB Jul12 06)
Definitions of Terms (Microsoft Word 34kB Jul12 06)
This NASA Web page ( has great data about our solar system's planets and moons.