Initial Publication Date: July 9, 2008

Review of GIS Skills: Building a Base Map

  1. Install GIS Data
  2. Open Earthquake Project (Global projection)
  3. Bring In Alternate Origin Point
    Alt_origin.csv (Comma Separated Values 17bytes Jul9 08)
  4. Reproject the Earth
  5. Download, format, and bring in 1 day of EQ data
    Current Earthquake Data at the USGS
  6. Massachusetts Geographic System (MassGIS)
  7. Working with Images: Resolution and Projection
    UMass Dartmouth Color Ortho Images and World Files
    UMass6.tif (TIFF 2.9MB Jul9 08)
    UMass6.tfw ( 125bytes Jul9 08)
    UMass7.tif (TIFF 2.9MB Jul9 08)
    UMass7.tfw ( 125bytes Jul9 08)
    UMass8.tif (TIFF 2.9MB Jul9 08)
    UMass8.tfw ( 125bytes Jul9 08)
    UMass9.tif (TIFF 2.9MB Jul9 08)
    UMass9.tifw ( 125bytes Jul9 08)
  8. Inspect a World File (tfw)
  9. Set up spreadsheet with HOTLINK field
  10. CSV file with HOTLINK field ( 189kB Jul25 08)
  11. Convert from degrees, minutes, and seconds to State Plane coordinates