Preparing for the Workshop

Initial Publication Date: February 8, 2010
Science Education Resources Center (SERC), Carleton College, Northfield, MN
April 11 -13, 2010

Workshop Preparation - Timeline and Responsibilities

All workshop participants are expected to:

  • February 21: Register for the workshop
  • February/March: Participate in a pre-workshop webinar (more information coming soon)
  • Learn more about the other participants and their contributions by browsing the participant pages.
  • Participate fully in the entire workshop.
  • Support follow-on activities.

Module coordinators are expected to:

  • March 15: Complete a draft module for review by workshop participants
  • March 15: Write and submit two instructional activities for your module (see link in menu at left)
NOTE 1: See the Module Developers Manual (Acrobat (PDF) 1.5MB Feb28 09) for more information about module development/revision.
NOTE 2: Use the Submit an Activity link (below in Related Information) to submit instructional activities.

Participants other than module coordinators are expected to:

  • March 1: Submit a short biography and a photo for posting on the workshop website using the participant profile submission form.
  • April 1: Submit a review of the pedagogic module you have been invited to assist in developing. The goal of this review is to identify components of the module that could be enhanced and provide guidance in that regard. This activity will help focus the limited workshop time on more complicated revisions while allowing module coordinators to make more basic editorial changes prior to the workshop. Additional details will be provided in the September webinar.
  • April 5: Submit two examples of activities related to your pedagogic module. There will be time to work on improving your examples at the workshop. The goal of the activity submission is to facilitate your review of the module (see next bullet). We ask that you create an initial activity submission, and then consider if the combination of the material on the activity sheet and in the module is sufficient to support effective implementation of this method. The activity need not be in economics.
NOTE: Use the Module Review Form and Submit an Activity links at left (or below) to submit module reviews and instructional activities, respectively.

Related Information: