
Service-learning is a flexible pedagogy that can be used in a variety of classroom and community settings. The examples below provide a variety of ways in which you can introduce service-learning in your classroom.

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Subject: Economics

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Learning by Teaching part of Examples
In this service learning project, college students work in groups of three to prepare a 55-minute interactive lesson on one of the topics listed on the syllabus and team teach the lesson to students at a local high school.

Service Learning Research part of Examples
Students will produce a report for a local non-profit organization in which they will evaluate the effectiveness of vocational training in improving the labor market opportunities for non-college bound youths. The report will be used by the organization when applying for grants.

Understanding Poverty and Income Distribution through Community Service part of Examples
Students volunteer at any one of a variety of community agencies that serve low-income populations to better understand the underlying issues of poverty and income distribution in their community.

Teaching Economics:Student-based Instruction part of Examples
College students in an intermediate micro-economic theory class teach economic concepts to elementary school students.