Aggregate Supply and Demand Selfies: Active Learning with Photo Submission

This activity presented by Dr. Tammy Batson, Northern Illinois University, based on her selfie attendance and her integration of activity by Jennifer Leigh Logan and Marsha Clayton, from The Councilor: A Journal of the Social Studies.
This material is replicated on a number of sites as part of the SERC Pedagogic Service Project
Initial Publication Date: January 30, 2019


In the classroom, students investigate shifts in aggregate supply and demand. They work in a group setting to create a large scale diagram that acts as a backdrop to create photos where students submit the answers to different events that impact the macroeconomy. An Example assignment is included.

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Learning Goals

Shifting Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply. Differentiate between what moves the SRAS compared to shifts in LRAS. Classical Dichotomy.

Context for Use

It is often hard to interact with students these days. They are often more into their phone than the lecture. To combat this problem, I created a group learning activity that helps highlight economic concepts while creating lasting memories for the students. My technique for this lesson plan has emerged from two different techniques I have used in recent years. One is selfie attendance for tracking student participation and the other is a pool noodle group activity which allows for diagram shifting with large scale graphs. Students are given several events in which they must model with aggregate supply and demand (works great for microeconomics as well). After the kids are sure they answered the question correctly, they model the results using the blackboard or floor and shift with the noodles. Once the diagram is complete, they take a selfie including all their group members (I usually have them hold up their fingers to indicate the question number). At the end, each group uploads their results, the best thing about this program is grading is very simple and the results are photos in which you can show to explain the correct answers to the class, create a slideshow for the final day of class, or show your department on how you are engaging with your students. The last advantage I had not considered is that my students are making college memories they can keep. Overall both techniques work well to create lasting impressions of economics. For me, these photos help create bonds that help me remember the students throughout the years to come. Works great on small and large classes (I have did this with up to 200 students) as they work in groups of 3-5 students.

Description and Teaching Materials

Note: There are several ways to produce large scale diagrams. In recent years I have moved off the floor to either Wipe boards or powerpoint projected on a screen (see photos in videos). Several pool noodles of various colors.
Student Handout for ADAS Activity (Acrobat (PDF) 23kB Jan30 19)
Student Handout Word (Microsoft Word 2007 (.docx) 86kB Jan30 19)

Teaching Notes and Tips

The Supply and demand background can be modified for your setting. I used the projection of basic AD/AS model. However, using the directions and idea in Noodlenomics, which is for Micro and modeling on the floor, see ideas from -Logan, Jennifer Leigh and Clayton, Marsha (2017) "Noodlenomics: Using Pool Noodles to Teach Supply and Demand," The
Councilor: A Journal of the Social Studies: Vol. 78 : No. 1 , Article 3.
Available at:


The assessment is accomplished by grading the photos of the diagrams. Great way to integrate the student photos in the review for the test as well.

Model 1(shift LRAS (increase) and SRAS (Increase) Answers: Various answers of increased factors of production and economic growth

Model 2 Shift AD (Increase) Shift SRAS (decrease). Answer: Above the natural rate of output

Model 3 Shift SRAS (Decrease) Answer: Stagflation

References and Resources

Logan, Jennifer Leigh and Clayton, Marsha (2017) "Noodlenomics: Using Pool Noodles to Teach Supply and Demand," The
Councilor: A Journal of the Social Studies: Vol. 78 : No. 1 , Article 3. Article I reviewed for The Councilor: A Journal of the Social Studies.
Available at:

The video I made from my macroeconomic class photos based on the assignment

My submitted entry where I received 3rd place at NETA Economist Educators Best in Class Teaching Award Contest 2017