Initial Publication Date: November 22, 2010

Telecon 1: Review of Cryosphere Labs 1, 2, & 3

July 10, 2009, 3:00 pm Central (4:00 pm Eastern)

During this teleconference, we will discuss your reflections, reactions, and comments about Cryosphere Labs 1, 2, and 3. Depending on the responses to the review form questions, we may decide to use Elluminate web-conferencing software during the telecon. This software will allow everyone to see the facilitator's computer as we navigate through portions of the labs. If needed, we can also view individual participant's computers, to help assist with any technical difficulties. Whether or not we use Elluminate, we will be using the telephone as the primary form of communication so that if anyone's computer crashes, we will all still be connected.

Prior to the telecon on July 10, please perform the following steps to make sure you will be able to participate in an Elluminate session.

  • To make sure your browser can support Elluminate, click the link below. Elluminate Configuration Check
  • We have found that school firewalls can sometimes prevent participants from accessing Elluminate. To test your ability to connect to an Elluminate Classroom, click the link below. You can ignore the instructions for configuring your audio. We will be using the telephone, rather than Elluminate to talk to each other.
  • On the day of the telecon, you will log-in to a different Elluminate virtual classroom space.