DIG Texas Instructional Blueprints for Teaching Earth and Space Science
Project summary

DIG Texas provides example online course "road maps", or blueprints, for use in high school Earth and Space Science classes. Blueprint are composed of units (teaching modules) for a one-year course. Each unit comprises a curated collection of high quality, research-based Earth system science learning activities. A blueprint is intended to serve as an example of lesson content, content order and extent, and which online resources are best to use.
Out-of-school Summertime Program
DIG Texas also offers a "road map" for teaching an immersive geoscience summertime program, lasting about one week. The program blends field excursions with in-class activities. Students participate in geology field trips to the Texas Hill Country and Llano Uplift, and visit labs in UT Austin's Jackson School of Geoscience. Curriculum follows the STAR Legacy Cycle model in which specific challenges drive learning as a collaborative experience. Each challenge contains a set of goals, and learners acquire knowledge and skills through active achievement of those goals. Learners complete real scientific tasks and adopt the practices of discipline experts. During the summer of 2020 a series of Virtual Field Experiences (VFEs) were offered in lieu of field trips to various places of geological importance.
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