CURE Sustainability Working Meeting

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PRE-meeting work

  • read all the profiles
  • respond (for yourself) to prompts about the profiles
    • What questions are there about the themes? What, if any, clarifications are needed?
    • Are there themes that did not resonate or that lacked supporting evidence from the profiles?
    • Are there ideas not represented by the themes? Themes that need to be added?
  • think about synthetic themes to be ready for Monday at 9:00 discussion

Sunday October 20

6:00 PM Opening meeting in SERC Offices at 200 Division St.

Monday October 21

Breakfast on your own

8:30 AM Plan for the working meeting and charge for the day; short introduction to the SERCkit content management system and the workspace for the meeting

9:00 AM Whole group discussion of the synthesis themes

  • What questions are there about the themes? What, if any, clarifications are needed?
  • Are there themes that did not resonate or that lacked supporting evidence from the profiles?
  • Are there ideas not represented by the themes? Themes that need to be added?
Proposed Themes: cross-cutting ideas include administrative buy-in and marketing & communication and continued attention to the CURE goals, fidelity of implementation, and "fighting against" the tyranny of content coverage
    1. Prove the concept (assessment) - be sure to address educational data management, establishing that a CURE is being done - fidelity of implementation from the outset and over time - Sara and Kelly
    2. Work with and support interested faculty - be sure to address data management for the research - Michelle, George and Erin
    3. Make it work for students - Carol and Lori
    4. Make it flexible for departments and institutions while ensuring sufficient structure to stay true to the goals and fidelity of implementation (adaptation, context dependence) - be sure to address level of operating (single course, single institution, cross-institution) - Nathan and Rebecca
    5. Develop distributed leadership - could include responsibility for fundraising, instructional capacity - Laura and Randy
    6. Capitalize on an initial investment then work to transition to diverse funding sources (integration into instructional or lab fee budget, fundraising & development and corporate partnership priority, continued seeking of funding / tweaking program, ensuring the design is very low cost from the outset) - Kara and Lisa

10:30 AM Break

11:00 AM Small group work on themes

  • Self-select into pairs to work on a theme
  • Find pieces of evidence in the profiles related to the theme
  • Develop more in-depth descriptions of the theme and any sub-themes
  • Start writing explanations of the theme and draft a bullet list of sub-themes

12:30 PM Lunch

1:30 PM Whole group session

  • Small groups report out (10-15 minutes each)
  • Group discussion of any questions, ideas, concerns, suggestions
  • Add individual comments and examples

3:00 PM Break

3:20 PM Complete whole group session

4:00 PM Small group work

  • Continue drafting the theme and sub-theme descriptions
  • Identify and ground-truth examples from the profiles
  • Reflect: What is needed to finish drafting theme descriptions with examples?

4:55 PM Daily Roadcheck

5:00 PM Conclude working time for the day

6:00 PM Dinner together at Chapati Indian Restaurant

Tuesday October 22

Breakfast on your own

8:30 AM Whole group check-in; work on sustainability profiles

  • Any new ideas or thoughts emerge overnight?

9:30 AM Individual and small group work to continue drafting content, including:

  • Descriptions of themes, sub-themes, and examples

10:30 AM Break

11:00 AM Large group discussion

  • Status check
  • Finalize plan for remaining working time (e.g., profiles, themes and sub-themes, launch page)
  • Generate punch lists for finishing pages

11:30 AM Individual and small group working time, including working lunch (boxed lunches)

12:30 First Shuttle Leaves for the airport

1:00 PM Conclusion and departure