Name of Resource: Beyond the Bite: Mosquitoes and Malaria
Climate Change Theme: Health
Sponsoring Organization: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies
Intended use: Background Material, Learning Activity
Intended audience: Educators and Learners
Average Review Ratings (Poor to Excellent, 1-5 scale): 4.5 stars

Description: This exercise explores how the area affected by malaria could expand northwards if minimum temperatures increase in the future. Includes background material, teacher information, worksheets for students and answer key in one pdf file. (CM)

Summary of Reviews

Reviewer: Carrie Morrill 5 stars
Comments: Link for malaria map at World Health Organization didn't work. It was easy to search the WHO and find another map, however.
Read entire review: link text (Acrobat (PDF) 60kB Jun21 05)

Reviewer: Ellen DeBacker 4 stars
Comments: Really like the application of what effects global climate change could have, in this case on diseases. Good use of analyzing data.
Read entire review: link text (Acrobat (PDF) 44kB Jun21 05)