Name of Resource: Carbon Cycle in the Lab
Climate Change Theme: Carbon
Sponsoring Organization: Royal Society of Chemistry
Intended use:Background Material, Learning Activity
Intended audience:Educators and Learners
URL: (link down)
Average Review Ratings (Poor to Excellent, 1-5 scale):
Description:This activity is one of five aimed to teach students about the nature of carbon, the different types of compounds it exists in (eg charcoal, glucose, carbon dioxide), the biochemical reactions it takes part in (photosynthesis and respiration), the range of processes that carbon and carbon compounds are involved in on Earth, and how these link together form the carbon cycle. (RC)
Summary of Reviews
Reviewer: Carrie Morrill
Comments: Exercise is interesting and interactive. Using "specimens" of carbon-containing substances will enhance understanding by making some concepts more concrete. Unobtrusive and easy-to-use glossary. PDF and Word docs available for each worksheet. Teachers and students guides. Nice diagram of the carbon cycle.
Read entire review: link text (Acrobat (PDF) 61kB Jun21 05)
Reviewer: Robert Croft
Comments:This one lab is a part of a larger body (5 total) carbon related activities. As a whole they teach an important concept. In isolation they have limited value and need to be integrated in to a larger context for best student learning. The site does have a good glossary of terms.
Read entire review:link text (Acrobat (PDF) 81kB Jun21 05)