Initial Publication Date: November 30, 2009
Our interviewees consider the importance of assessing student learning on both the course level and the program level.
Political Science 230: Poster Session (MP4 Video 20.2MB Jul31 17) (6:30 min)
The poster session at the end of the term allows students to share their research publicly. Greg discusses how he stages the creation of the posters and the benefits that students gain from the experience.
Political Science 230: Learning from Assessment (MP4 Video 8.1MB Jul31 17)
(3:24 min) Greg discusses the results of recent departmental assessment and how it impacts the way he continues to revise his course, as well as the value of the scholarship of teaching and learning in general.
Studio Art 122: Student Critique and Student Anxiety (MP4 Video 23.8MB Jul28 17) (8:56 min)
Stephen talks about how he structures the classroom critiques to minimize the chances for hurt feelings and maximize the shared learning about looking with intention. Stephen also discusses how he evaluates student creative work in general.