Visual Resources

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Experience your carbon footprint in VR part of Resources
Gavin Gleasman, Clemson University
Gavin Gleasman, Clemson Univeristy Resource Resource Description The emittance of the greenhouse gas, CO2, has large impacts on ...

Modern Coral #1 - Photosphere - Curacao part of Resources
Stephen Moysey, East Carolina University
This is a photosphere collected underwater to illustrate a modern reef environment. The photo was taken in Curacao (12.341N, 69.153W).

Virtual 3D Geoscience Outcrops part of Resources
Gavin Gleasman, Clemson University
Gavin Gleasman, Clemson University Resource Resource Description The V3 Geo Outcrop models will be useful for any college-level geology class. The outcrops provided a 3d outcrop for students to ...

25 Best Parks In The United States part of Resources
Apple Smith
Apple Smith There's something about national parks that make you feel so in touch with nature. It's also a fantastic place to bond and spend time with friends and family over fun activities like hiking, ...

Whalback Anticline Field Trip (Teaching Structural Geology and Stereonets) part of Resources
Gavin Gleasman, Clemson University
Gavin Gleasman, Clemson University Resource Resource Description Advanced experience to help students understand anticline structures and create stereonets. The experience ...

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Virtual Tour part of Resources
Gavin Gleasman, Clemson University
Gavin Gleasman, Clemson University Resource Resource Description The Jet Propulsion Laboratory Virtual Tour is a self-lead 360-image based experience. Users will receive a ...

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