Coastal Alaska is Tsunami Country (in 9 languages)
Factsheets and infographics on protecting yourself in a tsunami hazard zone in Alaska.
Whether coastal Alaska is your home, workplace, or a travel destination, it is important to know how to stay safe in the event of a tsunami. Safety actions vary for different communities in Alaska.
These factsheets and infographics teach about how residents and visitors can be tsunami-safe in Alaskan fjord communities and coastal communities exposed to the Pacific Ocean. These can be used and displayed in any setting: schools, libraries, museums, etc.
Languages of factsheets with infographics:
- English
- Canadian French
- Spanish
Languages of infographics showing tsunami warnings and Drop, Cover, and Hold On (DCHO):
- Arabic (عربي)
- Canadian French (Français Canadien)
- Chinese (中国人)
- English
- Hmong (Hmoob)
- Russian (Русский)
- Spanish (Español)
- Tagalog
- Vietnamese (Tiếng Việt)
Teaching Notes
The factsheets and infographics can be used by any educator, learning venue, or person involved in health and safety or community planning in coastal Alaska. Valuable for both residents and visitors to the region.
Reference Information
Author/Developer: USGS ShakeAlert program and EarthScope ANGLE project participants.