Initial Publication Date: June 12, 2012
from Digest of Education StatisticsStudents·
Total US enrollment at public 2 year institutions was 6,184,000 in 2005.
- FT – 40% 60% PT.
- Male 42% male; 58% female
- Enrollment increased more than five-fold 1963 -2006, about triple the increase in four year enrollment. However, since 2000 enrollment has increased only 10% while four year enrollment increased 20%.
Number of institutions, enrollment and ratio of enrollment to adult population in selected states (Microsoft Word 31kB May1 11)
Size and location- Two-thirds of the 490 urban and suburban campuses have more than 5000 students (48 have more than 20,000 students)
- 90% of the 553 rural and town campuses have fewer than 5000 students (none have more than 20,000 students.)
Total in US public 2-year institutions: 362,000
- Male 51%; Female 49% (compared to 60/40 in 4 year institutions)
- Race ethnicity: 83% white (compared to 83% in 4 year institutions)
- FT 33%; PT 67% (compared to 58% FT in 4 year institutions)
Time spent in classroom, preparing for class, doing research, advising students (Microsoft Word 26kB May1 11) Community College Faculty Attitudes and Trends, 1997, National Center for Postsecondary Improvement. Mary Taylor Huber
TUESTYC workshops help community college faculty prepare and submit competitive grant proposals to the NSF's Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (TUES) program.WAC Institute for Community Colleges In 2011, Metropolitan Community College -Longview (MO) hosted a Writing Across the Curriculum Institute for Community Colleges, an opportunity for community college WAC directors, discipline faculty, and administrators to learn practical strategies for starting and sustaining a WAC program in a community college setting.
'Bringing Community College Faculty to the Table To Improve Science Education for All'The Role of Community Colleges in the Education of Recent Science and Engineering Graduates