
Initial Publication Date: June 12, 2012

Animated 8 Cell


The American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges. AMATYC, founded in 1974, is a national forum for the improvement of mathematics instruction in the first two years of college. AMATYC has approximately 2,500 individual members and more than 100 institutional members in the United States and Canada. The AMATYC Office is located at Southwest Tennessee Community College on the Macon Cove Campus in Memphis, Tennessee.

The Mathematical Association of America (MAA) has publications, projects, and committees relevant to community college math faculty. The College Mathematics Journal (formerly the Two-Year College Mathematics Journal) is designed to enhance classroom learning and stimulate thinking regarding undergraduate mathematics, with emphasis on topics taught in the first two years. A subcommittee of the Committee on the Undergraduate Program in Mathematics (CUPM) is charged with monitoring ongoing developments with the intention of eventually making general recommendations concerning the first two years of collegiate mathematics.

AMATYC and the MAA are two of the seventeen member professional organizations comprising the Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences (CBMS). The purpose of the CBMS is to promote understanding and cooperation among these national organizations so that they work together and support each other in their efforts to promote research, improve education, and expand the uses of mathematics.


(from AMATYC)



  • Joint Mathematics Meetings in January include the American Mathematical Society, the Mathematical Association of America, the Society of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, and other professional math organizations.
  • MathFest is the MAA's summer meeting.
  • AMATYC Annual Conference Proceedings from current and past conferences are available online. Annual attendance has been about 1200-1400 registrants in recent years.
  • See also meetings organized by AMATYC local affiliates

Listservs and networks

(from AMATYC)


Knowledge Exchange Networks Community college faculty supported in sharing content, connections, conversation and collaboration.

  • Los Angeles
  • Bay Area (CA)
  • San Diego
  • Ontario, Canada

(from AMATYC)

  • The AMATYC Webinar Series is new but already very popular. Free to both AMATYC members and non-members, but members get early notification of enrollment.
  • The AMATYC Traveling Workshops bring professional development to two-year college math faculty directly to a requesting campus. As funding and interest have diminished, so AMATYC is looking for ways to revitalize the program.


(from AMATYC)