
Initial Publication Date: June 12, 2012


Two-Year College English Association (TYCA) TYCA unites teachers committed to the teaching and study of English in the two-year college, advancing the profession, and providing a national voice for the two-year college in postsecondary education. The national TYCA was formed fifteen years ago when founded by the existing seven TYCA regional organizations in concert with the National Council of Teachers of English. Each of the individual TYCA regionals has a website, an annual conference, a newsletter/journal, and individual initiatives.


Teaching English in the Two-Year College (TETYC) publishes articles for two-year college teachers and those teaching the first two years of English in four-year institutions. The journal seeks articles in all areas of composition (basic, first year, and advanced); business, technical; and creative writing; and the teaching of literature in the first two college years. TETYC also publishes articles on topics such as staffing, assessment, technology, journalism, writing program administration, ESL, speech, reading, and other areas of interest.

The journal has a number of additional regular features:

  • Instructional Notes (short articles describing successful classroom practices)
  • Reviews of books, software, and other nonprint materials
  • Readers Write (50-200 word comments on published articles or professional issues); and What Works for Me (200-750-word descriptions of successful classroom activities)
  • Announcements (such as calls for papers or information about upcoming conferences); and Poetry (40 lines maximum) are published on a space-available basis.
  • "TYCA to You" in every issue. This feature includes reports from all seven TYCA regionals. On occasion, these reports focus on pedagogical initiatives and issues. (no separate URL available).

Regional journal

inside english TYCA Pacific Coast (English Council of California Two-Year Colleges ECCTYC) reaches an audience of English faculty in California's 111 community colleges. Promoting excellence in teaching English, the journal provides a forum for discussion of issues in teaching lower division composition and literature and serves as a vehicle for writers to express their ideas and challenge assumptions.


TYCA Southeast
TYCA Pacific Northwest
FORUM:Newsletter for issues about part-time and contingent faculty is a newsletter on contingent, adjunct, and part-time faculty issues in college composition and communication. This newsletter is published twice annually (alternately in CCC and TETYC) and is sponsored by the Conference on College Composition and Communication.


Position Papers

Position statements of interest to TYCA members


The Two-Year College English Association initiated a survey of community college instructors in 2005. The survey instrument is available online as are three research papers based on the survey.
