Kathryn Kozak
Initial Publication Date: September 27, 2012
Mathematics Instructor
2800 S Lone Tree Rd
Flagstaff, AZ 86001
Background Information
Kathryn Kozak is a mathematics, and occasionally physics, teacher at Coconino Community College, in Flagstaff, AZ. She has been teaching at CCC for 20 years. Prior to that she worked at the U.S. Geological Survey. She has a B.S. in Mathematics and Physics, and a M.S. in Mathematics, with an emphasis in Statistics. She has received the Faculty of the Year award at CCC and the NISOD Teaching Excellence Award. She was also the editor of the AMATYC News.
Related Pedagogical Projects
Kathryn has been actively involved in AMATYC (American Mathematics Association of Two-Year Colleges) and ArizMATYC (Arizona Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges) for about 16 years. She has taken on several different roles including AMATYC News editor, and is currently serving on the Executive Board of AMATYC as the VP of the Southwest Region. She has been on the writing team of several grant funded projects, which are NASA/AMATYC/NSF PC2, the Math Works, and the Dimensions Project. The goal of each of these was to write mathematical labs for instructors to use in developmental and transfer level mathematics courses. All of these projects were based on STEM applications, with the goal to increase student awareness of the uses and excitement of STEM material. Additionally, Kathryn has been involved in statewide organizations to improve transferability of courses between community colleges and universities.