Paris Svoronos

Initial Publication Date: September 25, 2012

Professor-Chemistry Department
Queensborough Community College
Chemistry Department
222-05 56 Avenue
Bayside NY 11364

Phone:718-631-7695; 718-281-5562

Background Information

Paris Svoronos earned his Organic Chemistry from Georgetown University in Washington DC (1979) and has served as a Chemistry Department faculty member at Queensborough Community College-CUNY since 1981, including a nine-year term as a chair (2001-2010). In 2003 the Carnegie Foundation and the Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) bestowed him, the most prestigious award of "the outstanding community college professor of the year for 2003." This is the only award given to all community college professors of all various fields, ranks and colleges. He has served as the co-General Chair of the 40th ACS-Middle Atlantic Regional Meeting (2008) as well as co-chair of the organizing committee of the ACS-NY section Undergraduate Research Symposium (2004, 2008) and has been an active member of the ACS-NY section. He has had annual summer teaching appointments at Georgetown University (1979-2007) and two NIST visits in Boulder, Co (1987 and 2000). He has been an author of several lab manuals and reference texts as well as the PI of a 1.7 million NSF-STEP grant (2007-2012) and a co-PI of two more NSF grants. He is a firm believer that frequent testing is the only way that students would master the applications of difficult concepts of chemistry.

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