Scott Schultz
Initial Publication Date: September 10, 2012
Professor of Physics / Chair Science Division
Delta College
1961 Delta Rd
University Center, MI 48642
Background Information
I hold an MS from North Carolina State University in Physics looking at using computers as an educational tool to teach physics. For the last 10 years I have been involved in faculty development for new TYC physics instructors. At Delta college, a community college in Michigan, I served as Professor of Physics for 14 years and I am currently serving a three year term as Chair of the Science Division.
Related Pedagogical Projects
I have been actively involved with improving physics education at the national level for the last ten years. My major involvement is with the New Faculty Experience for Two-Year College Physics Instructors. This is an intensive 18-month experience for faculty in their first five years of teaching. It starts with 6 weeks of on online discussions examining seminal journal articles in Physics Education Research. We then host the participants for a 4-day workshop where we emphasize active learning in general, specifically focused in three areas. The workshop is put on by 5 seasoned two-year college physics instructors that then serve as mentors for the next 16-months as the participants begin to implement the strategies into their curriculum and classroom. Once again they make use of the online discussion boards to post questions, drafts of activities they are developing and other items of interest and receive feedback from both their peers in the experience and the mentors. The experience culminates with a 2.5-day commencement conference where we share some additional tools, and they give their final presentations on the work they have accomplished. We hold this final experience in conjunction with the national meeting for the American Association of Physics teachers and allowing us to help them acclimate into this professional organization.