Margaret Weigers Vitullo

Initial Publication Date: September 4, 2012

Director of Academic and Professional Affairs, American Sociological Association
1430 K. Street NW, Suite 600
Washington DC 20005

Phone:202-383-9005 x323

Background Information

As the Director of Academic and Professional Affairs at the American Sociological Association, I work with sociology faculty and their departments to support effective teaching and learning in sociology and to support faculty in their professional roles. Prior to coming to the ASA I spent 10 years as a faculty member and Chair of the Department of Sociology at Gallaudet University.

Related Pedagogical Projects

One of the projects that I am the most excited about in my current work is the new ASA Task Force on Community College Faculty, which is charged with working over the next three years to examine the professional role, professional development, and advocacy needs of sociologists employed as community college faculty and to develop recommendations for how the ASA, as the national association for sociology, can best support community college faculty in our discipline.