
This collection of activities from Carleton College faculty is a subset of the larger set of examples available through the National Numeracy Network.

Results 1 - 10 of 47 matches

Interim Assessment of the Affordable Care Act part of Examples
This assignment invites students to synthesize what they have learned about the American health care system and the theory of health care economics through an examination of changes in health care since the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Learning About Racial Demography Using the US Census part of Examples
The purpose of this activity is to give students the opportunity to learn how the US Census categorizes race and analyze racialized descriptive statistics. They will get a chance to digest the material in the Census reports, and teach it to others.

Shifting Attitudes on the Second Shift: A Statistical Analysis of Women and Work part of Examples
(How) have public attitudes about work and gender changed over the last 25 years? Using the General Social Survey (available online) students will conduct a descriptive statistical analysis of Americans perceptions about women and work from 1988. They will then contextualize their findings within the contemporary literature about these issues.

Economic Development of British Colonial America part of Examples
Through a close study of a rich set of demographic and economic statistics, students will see the development over 150 years of two similar yet divergent colonies (Virginia and Barbados). They will work through population, land use, and trade statistics with closely-guiding questions in order to find links between one set of numbers and another.

Evaluating Quantitative Methods in the Analysis of Victorian Novels part of Examples
Current research on the Victorian novel includes fascinating, even radical quantitative methods that are transforming assumptions about literary history. This assignment will explore these new methods and help students learn to understand and evaluate quantitative data in relation to literature.

Environmental Injustice: Evaluating the evidence part of Examples
This assignment teaches students how to evaluate arguments concerning the maldistribution of environmental hazards, based on complex quantitative data.

Analyzing the Last Five Years of the US Economy for an Intermediate Macro Course part of Examples
Intermediate students are asked to analyze data on the components of consumption and investment expenditures and explanatory variables based on textbook models of each. Students look for rough correlations between the explanatory and dependent variables.

Writing Precise Explanations of Graphic/Tabular Display of Economic Data part of Examples
This assignment asks for short, precise explanations of economic data displayed in graphs and tables.

Science of Post 2012 Global Climate Change Treaty part of Examples
This project examines the role of science in political and economic decision of a selected country so as to project what the selected country's position might be in 2012 Global Climate Change Conference.

Carbon Sequestration of Eastside Neighborhood Trees part of Examples
Carbon Sequestration of Eastside Neighborhood Trees in Northfield, MN