« MnSCU Pedagogies of Engagement Discussion

Attract students of color into STEM courses and fields  

Group: Stephen Polson, Ann Mills, Lori Anderson, Maureen Tubbiola, Bruce Jacobson, Brenda Lyseng
PKAL 4, Central Lakes, October 2008

Vision Statement: RETAIN the students of color that are enrolled in STEM courses and STEM majors.

Goal: find ways to offer support to students outside of the class
Strategy: Develop a physical space for STEM students to hang out for social networking and get tutoring. Especiall
Action Step: Identify a possible space
Action Step: Staff with people of color, with either staff or peers, not with faculty.
Action Step: Identify funding source for staff
Action Step: work with Multicultural Space to find ways to design the space that are welcoming students of color

Strategy: Develop summer experiences for students of color. Utilize students of color as staff.
Action Step: ask our students of color to visit high schools
Action Step:

Strategy: personal engagement with students of color
Action step: have lunch with specific students
Action step: potluck
Action step: work with the Multicultural Center to sponsor and invite students to events
Action step: engage students in conversation about their culture

Goal: expose students of color to career possibilities

Goals: Use pedagogies of engagement to retain students of color

Strategy: examine impact of groups (positive and negative) on students of color
Action Step: consider if mixing native and non-native students is useful or antagonistic
Action Step: debrief after group work

Strategy: using discussion boards, JiTT, etc. can encourage all students to add to the discussion.

Strategy: use case studies that are culturally based or geographically based
Action Step: search Buffalo library of case studies for cases


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« MnSCU Pedagogies of Engagement Discussion