References for Game-based Learning

  • The use of computer games as an educational tool: identification of appropriate game types and elements. Amory et al., 1999 The authors had students play four different kinds of games. Based on student preferences, the most important game elements are logic, memory, visualization, and problem-solving. (citation and description)
  • Game-based learning. Drummond, 2003 This editorial discusses possible advances in geology education that could be achieved through good use of video-game technology. (citation and description)
  • Next Generation Educational Technology Versus the Lecture. Foreman, 2003 This article discusses the problems with using lectures to teach important material and proposes video games as an alternative. It emphasizes the importance of an immersive environment. (citation and description)
  • A desire to be taught: Instructional consequences of intrinsic motivation. Lepper and Cordova, 1992 This research review on using games to teach concludes that kids learn better if learning is essential to winning the game, there is some sort of storyline, and there is no extrinsic, immediate award. (citation and description)
  • Digital Game-Based Learning. Prensky, 2000 This book discusses the design and use of video games to teach skills to adults by corporations and the military, and advocates using video games to teach younger students. (citation and description)
  • Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants. Prensky, 2001a This article deals with the difference between digital natives, the generation that grew up with video games and computers and digital immigrants, people who have started using computers as adults. (citation and description)
  • Digital natives, digital immigrants, part II: Do they really think differently?. Prensky, 2001b This article deals with the issue of whether Digital Natives, people who grew up with video games and the Internet, actually think differently than preceding generations. (citation and description)
  • The motivation of gameplay or, the REAL 21st century learning revolution. Prensky, 2002a Prensky argues that learning should be fun, but there is a strong Western tradition that associates learning with suffering. He goes on to discuss what makes a game entertaining and educational. (citation and description)
  • Why NOT Simulation?. Prensky, 2002b This article deals with the problems of simulating the real world. The assumptions, controls, and the output are generally unrealistic and oversimplified. (citation and description)
  • An Interactive Game Approach to Learning in Historical Geology and Paleontology. Reuss and Gardulski, 2001 This article describes a series of games to help students identify and answer questions about fossils. The game grows more complex over time as the instructors add rules and phyla to identify. (citation and description)
  • Cooperative Student Activities as Learning Devices. Wenzel, 2000 Students who work in cooperative groups with other students are more motivated and successful, especially with regard to reasoning and critical thinking skills than those that do not. (citation and description)