Beta Test WYSIWYG Editing

published May 27, 2008 2:07pm
As part of a larger reworking of the CMS this summer there is now a wysiwyg editing option available. When you're editing a given bit of text you can switch the editing level from standard to beta. You can switch back to standard at any point. There are a few caveats:
  • This does not represent the overall working of the CMS that is planned. I've just dropped the wysiwyg tool in the middle of the existing interface so I can get feedback from folks as to how it can be improved.
  • There are some things that don't work quite right when you use this new interface:
  • The 'last updated' date at the top of the editing page doesn't update when you save changes.
  • The file and image lists at the bottom of the editing page don't update when you save changes.
When saving in the new interface the resulting html will be cleaned up (line breaks and white space added). Let me know if this leads to problems/annoyances.Tags that are unique to the cms (that use square brackets) still show up in the same old way. This is not likely to change anytime soon. So it's really a what-you-see-is-somewhat-like-what-you-get interface....

So give it a try and let me know the ways in which it can be improved, or where it gives problems. Note that the underlying editing engine is dependant on an external javascript library and to some extent to support built into the browser. So that while we have some leverage to fix some weird behaviors, not everything is under our control.