Panel Discussions

Afternoon panel discussions are open to all participants registered for that day (not reserved ahead of time). Join the email list to receive updates.


How to Increase Diversity in Geoscience Programs

Panelists: Steve Semken, Stefany Sit, Suki Smaglik, Gary Weissmann (moderator)

Panel Discussion

Tuesday, July 19 | 1:30-2:45pm | Gordon: Concerto Meeting Room

Of all the STEM disciplines, the geosciences ranks among the lowest in ethnic and racial diversity. As the demand for well-qualified geoscientists increases, it is essential for our community to broaden participation, widening the range of perspectives that can address future global and societal challenges. This panel will discuss methods that foster inclusive learning environments, promote societal, local, and career relevance, and support the whole student. We will present examples of how to use these strategies at different institutions (2YC and 4YC) and across demographics (tribal and urban communities). Please join us for this panel if you are interested in discussing strategies and resources that promote diversity in the geosciences.

What Makes a Good Teaching Video?

Panelists: Juliette Rooney-Varga, John Bedward, Katryn Wiese, David McConnell (moderator)

Panel Discussion

Tuesday, July 19 | 1:30-2:45pm | Gordon: Symphony Meeting Room

Video is increasingly being used as an educational tool in college science courses. Even if we are not assigning videos, students are independently looking to places like YouTube to supplement their learning. This panel will discuss how we can utilize videos in to support our teaching and how the creation of videos can serve as a mechanism to help students learn and develop their communication skills. We will discuss what research tells us about the most effective use of these multimedia tools and review feedback from students about what they think are the features of a useful video. We encourage the audience to come prepared for a discussion of the role of video both inside and outside the geoscience classroom.

What Are the Core Competencies and Skills for Earth Science Students?

Panelists: Tim Bralower, Dave Mogk, Paul Kelso, Cathy Manduca (Moderator)

Panel Discussion

Tuesday, July 19 | 2:45-4:00pm | Gordon: Concerto Meeting Room

Prior to redesigning the entire undergraduate geology curriculum at Lake Superior State University we conducted a national survey of all undergraduate geoscience programs through the American Geosciences Institute. Our goal was to determine the core geoscience competencies as perceived by faculty and to ascertain perceptions as to the best ways to teach these concepts. Continued discussion and evaluation by the geoscience community of the Core Earth Science Competencies and Skills, such as through your participation in this forum, are necessary if we are to prepare students for 21st century geoscience jobs.

What is "Sustainability Education" and How do We Get There?

Panelists: Nick Balster, Julie Bartley, Rachel Teasdale

Panel Discussion

Tuesday, July 19 | 2:45-4:00pm | Gordon: Symphony Meeting Room

Sustainability themes, in terms of meeting the needs of human society while sustaining environmental support systems of the planet, can be applied to a broad range of courses in the geosciences and provide the opportunity to embed activities that are place-based, applied to real world issues and relevant to students. Panelists will introduce their ideas of what Teaching Sustainability means, as well as their experiences developing and using curriculum with sustainability themes and discuss participants' ideas, insights and questions on incorporating Sustainability Education in the classroom.


Successful Strategies for Recruiting and Retaining Geoscience Majors

Panelists: Randy Richardson, Suzanne O'Connell, Heather Petcovic, Eric Baer (moderator)

Panel Discussion

Thursday, July 21 | 1:30-2:45pm | Gordon: Symphony Meeting Room

With an aging geoscience workforce, employment opportunities in the geosciences remain robust, creating a demand for workers prepared as undergraduate majors in the geosciences. At the same time, participation of underrepresented minorities in the geosciences remains under 10% and participation of women under 40%. Strategies are needed to broaden access to the geosciences through increased awareness and effective recruitment. Strategies are also needed to retain students once they are in geoscience programs. Panelists will present examples of successful recruitment and retention strategies, including those that are demonstrated to be effective with underrepresented groups.

Instructor Stories About Reforming Teaching Practice

Panelists: Karen Viskupic, Chris Berg, Cody Kirkpatrick, Ellen Iverson (moderator)

Panel Discussion

Thursday, July 21 | 1:30-2:45pm | Red Gym: Masley Media

Meetings like the Rendezvous can provide lots of inspiration to instructors to make changes in their teaching. However, back home, after the excitement of the meeting has faded, there are many challenges to making substantive changes to teaching practice. We will hear from two instructors who have gone through this process of reform and who will describe what worked, what didn't, and how they adapted resources to best fit their teaching environment. We will also learn what types of teaching practices our colleagues are using as observed in more than 200 geoscience classes and what this might mean for those who are interested in teaching reform. If you are thinking about adopting some of the ideas and resources you have learned about at the meeting, this is the panel for you.

Field Camp for a Technological World

Panelists: Steve Whitmeyer, Joe Elkins, Donna Charlevoix, Eric Riggs (moderator)

Panel Discussion

Thursday, July 21 | 2:45-4:00pm | Gordon: Symphony Meeting Room

Incorporating cutting edge technologies in field camps and course experiences is highly rewarding for students and often very challenging for instructors. Geodetic tools such as GPS, terrestrial laser scanning, and structure from motion are being more widely used in geoscience sub-disciplines. Developing and documenting best practices and instructor and student guides provides a foundation for instructors to work from when considering how to incorporate these technologies into field education.

Online Teaching

Panelists: Anne Egger, Katherine Ryker, Mike Brudzinski, David McConnell (moderator)

Panel Discussion

Thursday, July 21 | 2:45-4:00pm | Red Gym: Masley Media

Online resources make up a steadily increasing share of the materials used to support student learning in geoscience courses. No longer do online resources represent copies of class notes and links to a few relevant websites. Our panelists will discuss different ways in which online materials are used in support of teaching. We will learn what happens when the course textbook goes completely online, how students deal with individual online labs or whole redesigned lab courses, and we will examine how online resources can our students with access to learning tools that would otherwise be unavailable. Come and share stories of your own experience with online learning and get some insight from our panelists about new ways to think about your teaching.