Ridgewater Workshop Workspace

Click here to return to the main workshop page.

Activity Worksheet (Microsoft Word 26kB Apr23 09) Activity Worksheet (plain Word document) Use this file to add your activity. Rename your file as appropriate.

Guide for Activity Worksheet (Microsoft Word 25kB Apr23 09) Guide for Designing Learning Activities

Participant-generated Activities

STEM Careers (Microsoft Word 29kB May5 09) Exploring STEM Careers

Activity Worksheet (Microsoft Word 26kB Apr23 09) Activity Worksheet (plain Word document) Use this file to add your activity. Rename your file as appropriate.

Guide for Activity Worksheet (Microsoft Word 25kB Apr23 09) Guide for Designing Learning Activities

Participant-generated Activities

STEM Careers (Microsoft Word 29kB May5 09) Exploring STEM Careers

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