What's Mu?
Initial Publication Date: December 22, 2009
In this field lab, students quantitatively determine the coefficient of friction for surfaces of their choice. They design and journal their investigative process, and then present the findings in a video production and summary report.
Learning Goals
The purpose of the project is to demonstrate understanding of the Scientific Method, apply creative design and videographing efforts, and demonstrate comprehension of force interactions.
Context for Use
This is a long-term project involving 1 - 2 weeks of team work. The project requires knowledge of force interactions and computation and video production skills. The project's intended audience is an honors or advanced high school physics class.
Description and Teaching Materials
Project is introduced at the beginning of a study of Newton's Laws of Motion. Project is again discussed after learning activities involving forces and free-body diagrams. Final project completion date occurs after introduction and discussion of the coefficient of friction.
A Friction Project (Microsoft Word 45kB Dec22 09)
Teaching Notes and Tips
The primary directive of the activity is to demonstrate mastery of the scientific method and show comprehension of the coefficient of friction. The "heart" of the lesson is in tapping the creative art within the student; ie, finding the coefficient of friction by having a student in a sleeping bag slide down carpeted steps.
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An example scoring rubric is shown on the file attachment.
9-12 Physical Science
I.History and Nature of Science
B.Scientific Inquiry
1.Design and conduct a scientific investigation
I.History and Nature of Science
B.Scientific Inquiry
1.Design and conduct a scientific investigation