Southwest MN Fish Families
Students will be exposed to the local fish in their area. Through this exposure, the students will be asked to sort, identify and classify the fish using Fish Family cards (found on the DNR website). The students will then create a pop can fishing rig with their family member which will be used to catch local fish.
Learning Goals
Context for Use
Description and Teaching Materials
Materials: Fishing with Dad: Lessons of Love and Lure from Father to Son by Michael J. Rosen - picture bookFish Families Cards from DNR webite or CD Chap.2 Lesson 5
Pop Can Fishing Task Card and Supplies
MN Fish Watch Resource Guide
1. To get the students excited about this learning experience, I would like to catch a fish from the lake and bring it to school in a 5 gallon bucket.
2. We can discuss the characteristics of the fish and have each student create a sketch of the fish labeling the parts of the fish.
3. I would then like to read the book Fishing with Dad: Lessons of Love and Lure from Father to Son by Michael J. Rosen and discuss the enjoyment of fishing.
4. The students will then be introduced to the MN Fish Family cards. We will discuss the fish that are familiar in our SW MN lakes. The students will then sort, identify and classify those fish using the task cards.
5. As a culminating activity, each child could invite in a family member to help them create the Pop Can fishing rig that they could used to help them catch local fish. As we are fishing it may be useful to have the MN Fish Watch Resource Guide along to help us identify the fish that have been caught.
Teaching Notes and Tips
I. History and Nature of Science
A.1. Scientific World View
I.V. Life Science
B. 1. and 2.Diversity of Organisms