Geological forces changing the landscape at Minnehaha Falls
Initial Publication Date: September 8, 2008
The class will observe and record geological features and rock types at Minnehaha Falls. They will discuss what forces they see at work that are changing the falls and the surrounding area. They will also note steps that humans have taken to slow these forces of change. They will draw, measure, and the teacher will take rock samples for analysis of as many different rocks as they see.
Learning Goals
The goals are to have the students practice the skills of observing and recording geological data, identify rocks, seeing parts of the rock cycle in progress, studying forces that change the geological landscape of an area.
Context for Use
This is a field investigation designed for a 7th or 8th grade Earth Science class. The class size ideally would not be more than 20 students. The experience at the falls would last about an hour and a half. Students should have hand lenses, and a prepared lab journal on a clipboard. Some pre-teaching would be helpful on observing and recording data, the rock cycle and rock identification. This should be a successful activity for all students regardless of ability as long as they can observe and record data.
Description and Teaching Materials
We would go to the falls and observe and record geological features and types of rocks at various sites at the falls as well as along the river downstream. We, the teacher, would choose a few rock samples to identify. The students would discuss how those particular rock were formed and ended up where we found them. We would point out the man made brick wall along the stream and why it was made. Also we would discuss how the falls has moved up stream and why. We would try to predict how the falls might change in the furture and what might need to be done to preserve the falls as we see it today. Detailed description of lesson (Microsoft Word 34kB Sep8 08)
Teaching Notes and Tips
Reference materials Wikipedia: St. Anthony Falls and Minnehaha Falls; YouTube Minnehaha Falls
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1. Collect trip journals-Are they complete and detailed? What information did they include? What did they highlight as important?
2. Class dicussion
3. Written report- They should answer the last three questions in Part 4
2. Class dicussion
3. Written report- They should answer the last three questions in Part 4
III. Earth Science A. Earth structure and Processes and the human impact on the environment.