Making Sense of Macroinvertebrates
Initial Publication Date: September 4, 2008
In this field lab, students will explore macroinvertebrates found in a pond system near the middle school. They will explore and observe, then focus on a particular objective from information shared by all groups. Students will then formulate a question and procedures to "test" their question.
Learning Goals
Students will explore collection strategies and discuss as a whole group.
Students will practice observation and communication skills.
Students will formulate a question and test procedures based on initial observations.
Students will practice observation and communication skills.
Students will formulate a question and test procedures based on initial observations.
Context for Use
This activity is written for a 7th grade Life Science class as a field lab. Students are divided into groups of 2-3. Ideally, collection tools would be set up at site ahead of time, or if needed, brought along in Rubbermaid tubs and spread out at start of activity. "Tools" might include ice cube trays, forceps, spoons, eye droppers, white bottomed trays, dish pans, waders or water boots. This activity can be done in 1-2 class periods, or spread out for comparison purposes over 4 days throughout the year-fall, winter, spring, summer (just before school lets out). This activity is easily adaptable to many settings and/or age groups.
Description and Teaching Materials
Making Sense of Macroinvertebrates
Assessment Options:
-Informal assessment of cooperation and ability to work together
-Notes in individual's science journals (could give students "list" of items they should include during their investigation)
-Student guide packet (would need to be put together by teacher) that includes specific objectives for students
Teacher Notes: This activity is guided in the sense that I use questioning and prompts from the students' initial observations and findings. Using the group information, I pick an objective that they can then use as a focus to re-focus their attention during their second pick.
Materials: (for each group)
Collection tools (provide a variety; let groups pick what works for them)
Dichotomous key of Macroinvertebrates for identification
Miscellaneous field guides and posters of macroinvertebrates
1) Engage-Discuss life found in water
-Talk about experiences in water (rivers, swimming holes, lakes, etc)
-Discuss living organisms that might be found in water-where would we find it, when, etc.
-Divide class into groups of 2-3 students, let them explore collection tools and gather items they want to try.
2) Explore-what can we find?
-Set each group out to collect. Other than letting them explore tools, do not give much direction.
-Give approx 15/20 minutes. This time includes looking through their find.
-Remind them the importance of taking notes and getting their observations down in their journals.
3) Explain-Discussion
-Bring groups back together for discussion.
-Generate list of what they found (flipchart)
-Look for patterns, similarities, differences.
-Pick an objective or common theme to focus on. All groups should generate a question and test procedure based on their findings around this objective.
4) Explore-second pick
-Set each group out to collect. Watch for more specific procedures used by groups.
-Give approx 15/20 minutes. This time includes looking through their find.
-Their data should fall into more specific tables and formats at this point.
-Come back and discuss findings. Were their questions answered, was data similar or different from group to group. Using questions to guide have students lead discussion.
5) Expand-Extension to Lesson
-Do this activity at same location 3 more times throughout year to compare life found year round.
-Discuss how we use macroinvertebrates for information, why they are important to water systems.
-Using information from today's activity, have students design an expanded study (could have them implement or not).
Assessment Options:
-Informal assessment of cooperation and ability to work together
-Notes in individual's science journals (could give students "list" of items they should include during their investigation)
-Student guide packet (would need to be put together by teacher) that includes specific objectives for students
Teacher Notes: This activity is guided in the sense that I use questioning and prompts from the students' initial observations and findings. Using the group information, I pick an objective that they can then use as a focus to re-focus their attention during their second pick.
Materials: (for each group)
Collection tools (provide a variety; let groups pick what works for them)
Dichotomous key of Macroinvertebrates for identification
Miscellaneous field guides and posters of macroinvertebrates
1) Engage-Discuss life found in water
-Talk about experiences in water (rivers, swimming holes, lakes, etc)
-Discuss living organisms that might be found in water-where would we find it, when, etc.
-Divide class into groups of 2-3 students, let them explore collection tools and gather items they want to try.
2) Explore-what can we find?
-Set each group out to collect. Other than letting them explore tools, do not give much direction.
-Give approx 15/20 minutes. This time includes looking through their find.
-Remind them the importance of taking notes and getting their observations down in their journals.
3) Explain-Discussion
-Bring groups back together for discussion.
-Generate list of what they found (flipchart)
-Look for patterns, similarities, differences.
-Pick an objective or common theme to focus on. All groups should generate a question and test procedure based on their findings around this objective.
4) Explore-second pick
-Set each group out to collect. Watch for more specific procedures used by groups.
-Give approx 15/20 minutes. This time includes looking through their find.
-Their data should fall into more specific tables and formats at this point.
-Come back and discuss findings. Were their questions answered, was data similar or different from group to group. Using questions to guide have students lead discussion.
5) Expand-Extension to Lesson
-Do this activity at same location 3 more times throughout year to compare life found year round.
-Discuss how we use macroinvertebrates for information, why they are important to water systems.
-Using information from today's activity, have students design an expanded study (could have them implement or not).
Teaching Notes and Tips
Share your modifications and improvements to this activity through the Community Contribution Tool »
-Informal assessment of cooperation and ability to work together
-Notes in individual's science journals (could give students "list" of items they should include during their investigation)
-Student guide packet (would need to be put together by teacher) that includes specific objectives for students
-Notes in individual's science journals (could give students "list" of items they should include during their investigation)
-Student guide packet (would need to be put together by teacher) that includes specific objectives for students