Habitat Loss Game

Thane Lewis - Minneota High School
Minneota MN
Author Profile


In this role playing game, students take on the role of members of a forest ecosystem to illustrate the challenges facing endangered species, environmental stewards and economic interests.

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Learning Goals

Students will gain an understanding that species interact with other species in order to survive. Students will also learn that habitat loss affects many species all at once.

Context for Use

This activity is best used in an environmental science unit focusing on habitat, predator prey relationships and the impact of economic factors upon habitats.

Description and Teaching Materials

Students will be assigned various roles as described and given instruction on their character's behaviors. The teacher will keep students on task with their roles and encourage participation followed by debriefing in a large group.

A powerpoint presentation explaining the activity is also helpful before assigning roles. Habitat Loss Game (Microsoft Word 27kB May31 11)

Teaching Notes and Tips

Explain character roles to students
Encourage students to participate and keep them in character
This activity SHOULD BE conducted in a defined OUTDOOR space as it will be very loud and rambunctious
For greatest level of teacher amusement, choose the roles of male and female owls carefully...


The analysis and conclusion questions at the end of the activity are excellent discussion points as assessment as are the extensions.



References and Resources