Daily Science Vocabulary Review with the Smart Board
Initial Publication Date: August 6, 2008
Students will answer and review science questions throughout the entire school year using the Smart Board. The first unit will introduce science tool vocabulary. As the year progresses more science vocabulary will be added and will be continually reviewed and discussed.
Learning Goals
1. The students will learn science vocabulary.
2. The students will be able to use the vocabulary words to answer questions about the related science concepts.
3. The students will become familiar with the vocabulary, tools,and science concepts needed in the science classroom to meet the MN Standards and to prepare for the Science MCA's.
2. The students will be able to use the vocabulary words to answer questions about the related science concepts.
3. The students will become familiar with the vocabulary, tools,and science concepts needed in the science classroom to meet the MN Standards and to prepare for the Science MCA's.
Context for Use
After learning about the specific science vocabulary word, tool, or concept, the students will use the Smart Board as a review tool each morning. One science review question will be on the Smart Board each morning for this group of multi-age students (grades 1-3) to answer and discuss. This is a teacher lead activity to be done first individually and then discussed as a whole group. This is a quick 5 minute review done along with Daily Oral Language, Daily Oral Math, and Daily Oral Geography. If a Smart Board is not available, this could be done with an overhead and science journal or as simple as a half sheet worksheet.
Description and Teaching Materials
Materials needed: Smart Board, computer, pointer, science journals. The students will read the science question on the Smart Board. The students will try to answer the question on their own in their science journal. One student will be asked to come up to the Smart Board to read the question orally to the class. The student will use the Smart Board tools to answer the question. The student will use the pointer to move the screen saver down to reveal the correct answer. If the answer is incorrect, use this time to discuss the correct answer. Use the Smart Board assessment slide as final assessment of the vocabulary, tools, or concepts. This assessment can be done as a group acivity, center activity, or individually. All slides can be printed to also be done with paper and pencil.
Teaching Notes and Tips
This activity will compliment and reinforce what is taught with the science curriculum and MN Standards. In the past I have used this activity with my students to review Daily Oral Language, Daily Oral Geography, and Math Problems of the Day.
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The science question will be discussed as class. Students also need to write it down in their science journal so I can correct it daily. This is brought up to my desk when Morning Work is completed. If students have the answer correct, their science journal is stamped. If not, further discussion can be done at that time.
Grade 2: Strand 1. History and Nature of Science, A. Scientific World View B. Scientific Inquiry
The students will recognize that scientific investigations generally work the same way in different places.
The students will use appropriate tools to gather and organize data.
The students will learn the names and uses for the science tools.
The students will recognize that scientific investigations generally work the same way in different places.
The students will use appropriate tools to gather and organize data.
The students will learn the names and uses for the science tools.