Lecture Presentations
Initial Publication Date: July 24, 2013
Week 1:
Course Overview: Scientific Ways of Knowing (PowerPoint 6MB Jul3 12)
Week 2:
Scientific Ways of KnowingPtolemy & Copernicus
- Lecture: Scientific Ways of Knowing (PowerPoint 12.8MB Jul3 12)
- Lecture: Ptolemy & Copernicus (PowerPoint 4.9MB Jul3 12)
Week 3:
Galileo & Natural Observation
Galileo & Experimentation
Week 4:
Equinox & EratosthenesLogical Fallacies, Galileo & Experimentation
- Lecture: Equinox & Eratosthenes (PowerPoint 2.7MB Jul3 12)
- Lecture: Logical Fallacies, Galileo & Experimentation (PowerPoint 12.3MB Jul3 12)
Week 5:
Graphs and GraphingStatistics (Emperical)
- Lecture: Uncertainty (PowerPoint 1.5MB Jul3 12)
- Lectures:
- Addressing Scientific Uncertainty and Statistics (PowerPoint 2MB Jul3 12)
- Statistics PowerPoint (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 815kB Oct24 11)
Week 6:
Newton & Theoretical ApproachesProbabilities (Theoretical)
- Lecture: Paterson & Induction vs Deduction (PowerPoint 4.4MB Jul3 12)
Week 7:
Plate TectonicsPlate Tectonics
- Lecture: Plate Tectonics (PowerPoint 13.2MB Jul6 12)
- Lecture: Evolution of Science (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 381kB Jul5 12)
Week 8:
Plate TectonicsMidterm Exam
- Lecture: Plate Tectonics 2 (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 2.4MB Jul6 12)
Week 9:
EvolutionPlate Tectonics
- Lecture: Evolution (PowerPoint 2007 (.pptx) 12.8MB Jul12 12)
Week 10:
Evolution and Darwin's IdeaDarwin's Finches
- Lecture: Evolution and Darwin\'s Idea (PowerPoint 6.6MB Jul12 12)
- Lecture: Darwin\'s Finches (PowerPoint 2.3MB Jul12 12)
Week 11:
Sex, Sexual Selection, and Natural Selection
Human Evolution
Week 12:
Climate Change
Climate Change
- Lecture: Climate Change - Day 1 (PowerPoint 7.2MB Jul12 12)
- Lecture: Climate Change - Day 2 (PowerPoint 10.3MB Jul12 12)
- Historical development (Until ~1980)
- Keeling curve
- Geological archive activity
- CFCs, Ozone, & Treaties
- Development of Numerical Models
Week 13:
Climate Change
- Lecture: Climate Change - Day 3 (PowerPoint 6.9MB Jul12 12)
- Movie: Inconvenient Truth
- Inconvenient Truth Questions Handout (Microsoft Word 32kB Oct21 11)
Week 14:
Climate ChangeClimate Change
- Lecture: Climate Change - Day 5 (PowerPoint 2MB Jul12 12)
- Lecture: Climate Change - Day 6 (PowerPoint 2.7MB Jul12 12)
Week 15:
Climate ChangeClimate Change
- In-class exercises:
- Science/Society interactions on climate change
- IPCC group discussion
- Science/Society interactions on climate change
- Copenhagen media