The Big Crunch: A Hybrid Solution for Earth and Space Science Instruction for Elementary Education Majors
Cinzia Cervato, Charles Kerton, Andrea Peer, Lesya Hassall, Allan Schmidt 2013 Journal of Geoscience Education v. 61, no. 2, p. 173-186

Cervato and co-authors describe development and implementation of an online and face-to-face course for elementary education majors. They found that students were not accustomed to self-guided instruction and needed more support in using Web-based technologies than they anticipated, and that the addition of explicit test-taking tips at the beginning of the course significantly improved student test scores.

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This resource is referenced here:
Subject: Geoscience
Resource Type: Pedagogic Resources, Research Results, Journal Article
Teacher Preparation: Pre-ServiceKeywords: Earth and Space Science, preservice teachers, elementary education, hybrid course, distance education