USArray GMV for Near East Coast OF Honshu, Japan Event


This site, from EarthScope, features a groundmotion movie (Quicktime) of North American crust nearly 6 minutes after the terrible Japan earthquake.

This resource is referenced here:
Subject: Environmental Science:Natural Hazards:Earthquakes, Geoscience:Geology:Structural Geology:Regional Structural/Tectonic Activity, Geoscience:Geology:Tectonics, Geophysics:Seismology
Resource Type: Audio/Visual:Maps, Animations/Video
Special Interest: Hazards
Theme: Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Structural Geology, Geophysics, Teach the Earth:Teaching Topics:Plate Tectonics, Teach the Earth:Course Topics:Environmental Science, Teach the Earth:Incorporating Societal Issues:Hazards, Teach the Earth:Teaching Topics:Earthquakes